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[英]unresolved inclusion error eclipse

So I went to this thing call the digital media academy for 3D game programming. 因此,我去了3D游戏编程数字媒体学院。 We used eclipse along with Panda3D using their Macbook Pro's to create 3D games. 我们使用eclipse和Panda3D及其Macbook Pro来创建3D游戏。 I created an awesome game there which ran beautifully. 我在那里创造了一款很棒的游戏,运行得很好。 However when I put everything on a USB and installed everything back on my personal macbook pro at home, I see question marks next to these lines of code that say Unresolved inclusion: 但是,当我将所有内容放到USB上并将所有内容重新安装到我的个人Macbook Pro上时,这些代码行旁边都出现问号,表示未解决的包含:

// Panda3D stuff. // Panda3D的东西。

#include "auto_bind.h"
#include "audioManager.h"
#include "executionEnvironment.h"
#include "filename.h"

//C++ stuff // C ++的东西

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

In the problems section of eclipse I get this: 在eclipse的问题部分中,我得到了:

make: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.      

I think, there are at least two issues here.: 我认为,这里至少有两个问题:

  1. Unresolved includes: This can be a glitch with the indexer, a simple index rebuild or a recompile would help Try Right click on project > Index > "Rebuild" or "Re-resolve Unresolved Includes" If no luck then,it's not just a glich but a real problem, so check: Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Path and Symbols > Includes There you should have the directories where the C++ headers are and the "Panda" headers should be with your source files. 未解决的包括:这可能是索引器出现故障的原因,简单的索引重建或重新编译将有帮助。尝试右键单击项目>索引>“重新构建”或“重新解决未解决的包含”。但确实存在问题,因此请检查:项目>属性> C / C ++常规>路径和符号>包含那里,您应该拥有C ++头文件所在的目录,而“ Panda”头文件应与您的源文件一起存放。

  2. Missing "all" target: What CDT is trying to do is invoking make with a target called "all" which is missing from your Makefile. 缺少“所有”目标:CDT尝试执行的操作是使用Makefile中缺少的名为“ all”的目标调用make。 Either CDT is configured for the wrong target and the "all" is not what you need, or something is wrong with the "all" target. 为错误的目标配置了CDT,或者“全部”不是您需要的,或者“全部”目标出了问题。 You should provide us more information: the proper (original) Makefile The settings here: Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Behaviour > Make build target 您应该向我们提供更多信息:正确的(原始)Makefile此处的设置:项目>属性> C / C ++构建>行为>使构建目标

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