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[英]Create multiple times works, but not in for-loop

Have what I think seems like a kind of strange problem. 我认为这似乎是一个奇怪的问题。 I have a function that is made to draw an element in HTML5. 我有一个功能可以在HTML5中绘制元素。 If i write it multiple times it is drawn those times, but if i place it in a loop it only draws the first time. 如果我多次编写它,则将绘制这些次,但如果将其放置在循环中,则它只会绘制一次。 Iv tried to monitor this by console.log for example but as soon as i try to draw this the loop is interrupted. iv试图通过console.log来监视它,但是一旦我试图绘制它,循环就会被中断。 It like there is some type of "break" function in it. 就像其中有某种“中断”功能一样。

Anyone who has an idea about this? 有人对此有想法吗?

   <section id="wrapper">
        <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600" style=" border-color: #000; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;">
            <p>Your browser doesn't support canvas.</p>

            var context;
            var canvas;
            var WIDTH;
            var HEIGHT;

            $(document).ready(function() {


            function main_init() {
                WIDTH = $("#canvas").width();
                HEIGHT = $("#canvas").height();
                canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
                context = canvas.getContext('2d');

                var width = 10;
                var height = 10;

                var posX = 30;
                var posY = 60;

                //NOT WORKING
                for(y = 1; y < height; y+=1)
                    for(x = 1; x < width; x+=1)
                        console.log("y:"+ y + " x:" + x);
                              HexagonObj(posX * x, posY * y, 0.95);
                              HexagonObj(posX * x, (posY + 20) * y, 0.95);

                HexagonObj(-30, 60, 0.95);
                HexagonObj(10, 80, 0.95);
                HexagonObj(50, 60, 0.95);

                HexagonObj(-30, 100, 0.95);


            HexagonObj = function(xCorrd, yCorrd, size){

                var x0=xCorrd; var y0=yCorrd; //cordinates
                var xx=20 * size; var yy=20 * size; //size of the legs of the shape

                x=x0; y=y0; context.moveTo(x,y);
                x+=xx; y+=0;  context.moveTo(x,y);
                x+=xx; y+=0;  context.lineTo(x,y);
                x+=xx; y+=yy; context.lineTo(x,y);
                x+=(xx*-1); y+=yy; context.lineTo(x,y);
                x+=(xx*-1); y+=0; context.lineTo(x,y);
                x+=(xx*-1); y+=(yy*-1); context.lineTo(x,y);
                x+=xx; y+=(yy*-1); context.lineTo(x,y);

                context.fillStyle = "#FFFF99";

                context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";    


            function isEven(n) 
               return parseFloat(n) && (n % 2 == 0);


I have marked the HexagonObj creation that works and that dose not work. 我已将HexagonObj创作标记为有效,但无效。

You need to declare x and y as variables in each function where they are used. 您需要在使用xy每个函数中将它们声明为变量。 Because you are missing the var declaration, the functions are all accessing global x and y variables. 因为缺少var声明,所以函数都在访问全局xy变量。 As a consequence, the first call to HexagonObj clobbers the loop variables in main_init() . 结果,对HexagonObj的第一次调用掩盖了main_init()的循环变量。

(Technically, you only need to declare var x, y in one of the functions to solve the immediate problem. However, it's bad form to be using global variables like that.) (从技术上讲,您只需要在一个函数中声明var x, y即可解决当前问题。但是,使用这样的全局变量是一种不好的形式。)

for循环仅在main_init函数中执行一次,因为全局的xyHexagonObj函数内部已修改为y:81 and x:50

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