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如何使单击的单元格可编辑而不是单击行中的所有可编辑单元格 - 使用jqgrid?

[英]How to make only the clicked cell editable instead of all the editable cells in the row clicked - using jqgrid?

At present I'm getting all the cells (with editable:true) in the row editable in which i clicked and not only the clicked the cell. 目前我在可编辑的行中获取了所有单元格(可编辑:true),我点击了该单元格,而不仅仅是单击了单元格。 The table is similar to the table in this link: http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/ClientsideEditing4.htm . 该表类似于此链接中的表: http//www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/ClientsideEditing4.htm I've gone through the link: http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:cell_editing , but didn't help (may be due to my fault in the way i tried) and also tried the answers given in stackoverflow related questions (used the attributes: cellEdit: true, cellsubmit: "clientArray"). 我已经通过链接: http//www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id = wiki: cell_editing ,但没有帮助(可能是由于我的尝试方式的错误)以及尝试了stackoverflow相关问题中给出的答案(使用属性:cellEdit:true,cellsubmit:“clientArray”)。

Please help me using the above link as reference http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/ClientsideEditing4.htm (I think mainly the "onSelectRow", "ondblClickRow" functions need to be updated. i tried onSelectCell etc. but failed! ). 请帮助我使用上面的链接作为参考http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/ClientsideEditing4.htm (我认为主要是“onSelectRow”,“ondblClickRow”函数需要更新。我试过onSelectCell等但是失败了!)。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

If you need to use cell editing you have to include cellEdit: true in jqGrid definition. 如果需要使用单元格编辑,则必须在jqGrid定义中包含cellEdit: true If you use local datatype then you should use cellsubmit: "clientArray" additionally. 如果您使用本地数据类型,那么您应该使用cellsubmit:“clientArray” If you want to save data on the remote source you have to implement editing in your server code and specify cellurl option of jqGrid. 如果要在远程源上保存数据,则必须在服务器代码中实现编辑,并指定cellurl选项。 The documentation describes what jqGrid send to the server on saving of cell. 该文档描述了jqGrid在保存单元格时向服务器发送的内容。

I'm currently working on an Angular 2 app with Typescript, and I had a different need where I wanted to be able to click a row in the grid, but only have one cell editable. 我目前正在开发一个带有Typescript的Angular 2应用程序,我有一个不同的需求,我希望能够点击网格中的一行,但只有一个单元格可编辑。 I didn't like the user experience where the user had to click the actual cell to edit it. 我不喜欢用户必须单击实际单元格进行编辑的用户体验。 Instead, clicking the row highlights the row and then makes the one cell editable. 而是单击该行突出显示该行,然后使一个单元格可编辑。 Here's a screenshot: 这是一个截图:


The trick was that I needed to set cellEdit to false on the grid and then set the individual column editable to true when declaring my column model array, and write a change event for the editoptions of the column. 诀窍是我需要在网格上将cellEdit设置为false,然后在声明我的列模型数组时将单个列可编辑设置为true,并为列的editoptions写一个change事件。 I also had to write code for the the onSelectRow event of the grid, to keep track of the current row selected and to restore the previous row selected. 我还必须为网格的onSelectRow事件编写代码,以跟踪所选的当前行并恢复选定的上一行。 A snippet of the Typescript code is below: 下载的Typescript代码片段如下:

  private generateGrid() {

let colNames = ['id', 'Name', 'Total', 'Assigned', 'Distributed', 'Remaining', 'Total', 'Assigned', 'Remaining', 'Expiration'];
let self = this;

// declare variable to hold Id of last row selected in the grid
let lastRowId;

let colModel = [
  { name: 'id', key: true, hidden: true },
  { name: 'name' },

  { name: 'purchasedTotalCount', width: 35, align: 'center' },
  { name: 'purchasedAssignedCount', width: 35, align: 'center' },
  { name: 'purchasedDistributedCount', width: 35, align: 'center' },
  { name: 'purchasedRemainingCount', width: 35, align: 'center' },
  // receivedTotalCount is the only editable cell;
  // the custom change event works in conjunction with the onSelectRow event
  // to get row editing to work, but only for this one cell as being editable;
  // also note that cellEdit is set to false on the entire grid, otherwise it would
  // require that the individual cell is selected in order to edit it, and not just
  // anywhere on the row, which is the better user experience
  { name: 'receivedTotalCount',
    width: 35,
    align: 'center',
    editable: true,
    edittype: 'text',
    editoptions: {
      dataEvents: [
          type: 'change', fn: function(e) {
            //TODO: don't allow decimal numbers, or just round down
            let count = parseInt(this.value);
            if (isNaN(count) || count < 0 || count > 1000) {
              alert('Value must be a whole number between 0 and 1000.');
            } else {
              self.updateLicenses(parseInt(lastRowId), count);
  { name: 'receivedAssignedCount', width: 35, align: 'center' },
  { name: 'receivedRemainingCount', width: 35, align: 'center' },
  { name: 'expirationDate', width: 45, align: 'center', formatter: 'date' }

  data: this.childTenants,
  datatype: 'local',
  colNames: colNames,
  colModel: colModel,
  altRows: true,
  rowNum: 25,
  rowList: [25, 50, 100],
  width: 1200,
  height: '100%',
  viewrecords: true,
  emptyrecords: '',
  ignoreCase: true,
  cellEdit: false,  // must be false in order for row select with cell edit to work properly
  cellsubmit: 'clientArray',
  cellurl: 'clientArray',
  editurl: 'clientArray',
  pager: '#licenseManagerGridPager',
  jsonReader: {
    id: 'id',
      repeatitems: false

  // make the selected row editable and restore the previously-selected row back to what it was
  onSelectRow: function(rowid, status) {
    if (lastRowId === undefined) {
      lastRowId = rowid;
    else {
      lastRowId = rowid;
    jQuery('#licenseManagerGrid').editRow(rowid, false);

Additionally, I wanted the escape key to allow the user to abort changes to the cell and then restore the cell to its previous state. 此外,我希望转义键允许用户中止对单元格的更改,然后将单元格还原到以前的状态。 This was accomplished with the following Angular 2 code in Typescript: 这是使用Typescript中的以下Angular 2代码完成的:

  selector: 'license-manager',
  template: template,
  styles: [style],
  host: {
    '(document:keydown)': 'handleKeyboardEvents($event)'

// handle keypress so a row can be restored if user presses Escape
private handleKeyboardEvents(event: KeyboardEvent) {
  if (event.keyCode === 27) {
    let selRow = jQuery('#licenseManagerGrid').jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
    if (selRow) {

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