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[英]Apache rewrite rules doesn't work only with particular prefix

I've some problem with a script I'm writing. 我正在编写的脚本有问题。

I have those kind of URLs: 我有这类网址:


I need to rewrite those for have: 我需要重写那些为:

/forum/group/id-alias_topic > forum.php?f=topic&g=[GROUP]&id=[ID]&alias=[ALIAS_TOPIC]
/forum/group > forum.php?f=group&g=[GROUP]
/forum > forum.php

I tried with: 我尝试了:

RewriteRule ^forum/([\w'-]+)/([0-9]+)-([\w'-]+) forum.php?f=topic&g=$1&id=$2&alias=$3
RewriteRule ^forum/([\w'-]+) forum.php?f=group&g=$1
RewriteRule ^forum/ forum.php

But it doesn't work. 但这是行不通的。 It shows me only forum.php 它只向我显示forum.php
Every URL starting with /forum shows me the default page provided by /forum.php 每个以/forum开头的URL都会向我显示/forum.php提供的默认页面

For example, forum.php will show the text "MAIN PAGE". 例如, forum.php将显示文本“ MAIN PAGE”。

forum.php?f=topic&g=[GROUP]&id=[ID]&alias=[ALIAS_TOPIC] should show me "GROUP + ID + ALIAS_TOPIC" forum.php?f=topic&g=[GROUP]&id=[ID]&alias=[ALIAS_TOPIC]应该告诉我“ GROUP + ID + ALIAS_TOPIC”

But if I visit /forum/android/1-first_topic it shows me "MAIN PAGE" 但是,如果我访问/forum/android/1-first_topic则会显示“主页面”

If I replace ^forum with, for example ^foru , it works. 如果我将^forum替换为^foru ,则它可以工作。 I've cleaned my browser cache and restarted apache, but it still doesn't work. 我已经清理了浏览器缓存并重新启动了Apache,但是仍然无法正常工作。 Also with other browsers the problem is the same. 同样对于其他浏览器,问题也相同。 In my /var/www there are those files and directories: 在我的/ var / www中,有那些文件和目录:

administrator.php  assets  cache  forum_functions.php  forum.php  functions.php  global.php  index.php  media  notfound.php  OLD  pwdgen.php  robots.txt  rss.php  simple_html_dom.php  store.php  template  v.php

Do you have some advice? 你有什么建议吗?

Rewrite.log: http://pastebin.com/MeapYeBA Rewrite.log: http ://pastebin.com/MeapYeBA

Because you have not used the [L] (last) flag and not anchored the end of the expressions with $ each one matches the last rule after dropping through the first two. 因为您没有使用[L] (最后一个)标志,也没有用$锚定表达式的末尾,所以在删除前两个后,每个匹配最后一条规则。

For example, this URL will match both the first and last rules: example.com/forum/group/123-thing because the last rule matches forum/ and anything that follows it if not terminated by $ . 例如,此URL将同时匹配第一个和最后一个规则: example.com/forum/group/123-thing因为最后一个规则匹配forum/及其后面的任何内容(如果没有以$终止)。

Add [L] flags to prevent fall-through, and terminate the regex with $ 添加[L]标志以防止掉线,并使用$终止正则表达式

# Don't apply these if the file actually exists (like forum.php)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

# This one doesn't really need to terminate in $
RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]+)/([0-9]+)-(.+) forum.php?f=topic&g=$1&id=$2&alias=$3 [L]
# This one must terminate with $
RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]+)$ forum.php?f=group&g=$1 [L]
# As must this one..
RewriteRule ^forum/?$ forum.php [L]

I have also replaced your [\\w'-]+ with a simpler [^/]+ to match everything up to the next / . 我还用一个更简单的[^/]+替换了您的[\\w'-]+ ,以匹配到下一个/为止的所有内容。 In the last rule, I added /? 在最后一条规则中,我添加了/? to allow for an optional trailing / . 允许可选的尾随/ It will work just as well with [\\w'-]+ , but since you intend to match everything between / , [^/]+ is a more common pattern. 它与[\\w'-]+ ,但是由于您打算匹配/之间的所有内容,因此[^/]+是更常见的模式。

Each of the above rules is tested and working over at http://htaccess.madewithlove.be/ 以上每个规则都经过测试,可以在http://htaccess.madewithlove.be/上进行操作。

You Must put skip flag for stop other rules With tihs [S] at end of RewriteRule like 必须在RewriteRule的末尾加上tihs [S]来停止其他规则以使其跳过,例如

 RewriteRule ^forum/([\w'-]+)/([0-9]+)-([\w'-]+)$ forum.php?f=topic&g=$1&id=$2&alias=$3 [S=2]
 RewriteRule ^forum/([\w'-]+)$ forum.php?f=group&g=$1 [S=1]
 RewriteRule ^forum/$ forum.php

Found a solution thanks to @Michael Berkowski @Michael Berkowski找到了解决方案

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default 

and remove all occurrences of MultiViews, then restart apache. 并删除所有出现的MultiViews,然后重新启动apache。

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