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[英]Split string before characters

PHP. PHP。 How could I split this string into 5 strings. 我如何将这个字符串分成5个字符串。

Tampa Bay 6 Florida 5 (FINAL - OT)

The string that generates this result is $results[$sport][$p] . 产生此结果的字符串是$results[$sport][$p]

I want to split that before the first number into $team1 我想在第一个数字之前将其拆分为$ team1

Split the number into $team1score 将数字分成$ team1score

Split the text after first number and before second number into $team2 将第一个数字之后和第二个数字之前的文本拆分为$ team2

Split the second number into $team2score 将第二个数字拆分为$ team2score

And finally split whats in the parentheses into $results 最后将括号中的内容拆分为$ results

It is important not to use the spaces for splitting because some team names have multiple spaces. 重要的是不要使用空格进行拆分,因为某些团队名称具有多个空格。

Any help? 有什么帮助吗? Looks complicated but it is probably easy for the right person. 看起来很复杂,但对合适的人来说可能很容易。

Some other useful info. 其他一些有用的信息。

I'm trying to convert 2 scripts into PHP. 我正在尝试将2个脚本转换为PHP。 The 2 below do the same thing but luckily for me there is no PHP version. 下面的2做同样的事情,但是幸运的是我没有PHP版本。 Here is the windows mobile one below. 这是下面的Windows Mobile。 It' an MSCR file 这是一个MSCR文件

msg = "[scores]^NL^"
did = 0
stream = readfile(url)

foreach entry in split(stream, "&nfl", 0)
if (find(entry, "s_left") ne "0")
entry = replace(entry,"%20"," ")
split(entry, "=", 1, a, b)

if (find(entry," at ") ne "0")
if (did eq "0")
msg = msg & "^NL^^NL^[schedule]^NL^"
did = 1
split(b, " at ", 1, team1, team2)
split(team2, "(", 1, team2, info)
split(info, ")", 1, info, j)
split(b, " ", 1, team1, b)
split(b, "(", 1, team2, info)
split(info, ")", 1, info, j)

if (find(team2,"^") ne "0")
tmp = team1
team1 = team2
team2 = tmp

team1 = replace(team1,"^","")
team2 = replace(team2,"^","")
info = replace(info,"FINAL","final")

msg = msg & team1 & " - " & team2 & " -- " & info & "^NL^"

Here is a CodeFusuion script that does the same thing as the MSCR 这是一个与MSCR相同的功能的CodeFusuion脚本

<!--- Lets do NFL --->    
<cfset espn = "http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/bottomline/scores">

<cfhttp url="#espn#" method="get" resolveurl="yes" throwonerror="yes" />
<cfset myArray = arrayNew(1) />
<cfset myResult = #CFHTTP.FileContent# />

<cfif ShowNFLEspnString EQ true>
    <br />
    ESPN NFL String URL: <a href="#espn#">#espn#</a><br />
    <br />
    #myResult#<br />
    <br />

<cfset j = 1 />
<!---parse the urls, don't touch :)--->
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(myResult, "%20%20", "@", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "%20", " ", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "%26", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(][0-9][)]", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(][0-9][0-9][)]", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(][A-Z][A-Z][)]", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "\^", "", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[ \t][a-z][a-z][ \t]", "@", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[(]", "@(", "all")# />
<cfset newResult = #REReplace(newResult, "[()]", "", "all")# />

<!---loop over the urls and store the teams in a array--->
<cfloop list="#newResult#" index="i" delimiters="#chr(38)#">
    <!--- Sometimes espn has a item with no teams or scores --->
    <!--- If this is the case, a try catch will keep the loop going so it doesn't crash --->
        <cfset myArray[j] = listgetat("#i#", 2, "=") />
        <cfset j = j + 1 />
        <!--- Don't care what the extra garbage is --->

<cfset gamesArray = arrayNew(1) />
<cfset j = 1 />

<cfloop from="3" to="#arraylen(myArray)#" index="m" step="3">
    <cfset gamesArray[j] = #myArray[m]# & "&"  />
    <cfset j =  j + 1 />

<!---remove garbage character at the end of the array--->
<cfset delete = #arrayDeleteAt(gamesArray, j-1)# />

<!---turn the array back into a list for fun :)--->
<cfset breakUp = #arrayToList(gamesArray,"")# />
<cfset matchArray = arrayNew(1) />
<cfloop list="#breakUp#" index="z" delimiters="#chr(38)#">
        <cfset matchup = structNew() />
        <cfset matchup.teamOne = trim(listgetat("#z#", 1, "@")) />

        <!--- Get the score start and end places --->
        <cfset teamOneScoreStringStart = #findoneof("0123456789",matchup.teamOne)#>
        <cfset teamOneScoreStringEnd = #LEN(matchup.teamOne)#>

        <!--- Team 1 Score --->
        <cfif teamOneScoreStringStart EQ 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamOneScore = 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamOneScore =#Mid(matchup.teamOne,teamOneScoreStringStart,teamOneScoreStringEnd)#>
        <!--- Remove Score from teamOne String --->
        <cfif teamOneScoreStringStart NEQ 0>
            <cfset teamOneScoreStringStart = teamOneScoreStringStart - 1>
            <cfset matchup.teamOne = #Mid(matchup.teamOne,1,teamOneScoreStringStart)#>

        <cfset matchup.teamTwo = trim(listgetat("#z#", 2, "@")) />

        <!--- Get the score start and end places --->
        <cfset teamTwoScoreStringStart = #findoneof("0123456789",matchup.teamTwo)#>
        <cfset teamTwoScoreStringEnd = #LEN(matchup.teamTwo)#>

        <!--- Team 2 Score --->
        <cfif teamTwoScoreStringStart EQ 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamTwoScore = 0>
            <cfset matchup.teamTwoScore =#Mid(matchup.teamTwo,teamTwoScoreStringStart,teamTwoScoreStringEnd)#>
        <!--- Remove Score from teamTwo String --->
        <cfif teamTwoScoreStringStart NEQ 0>
            <cfset teamTwoScoreStringStart = teamTwoScoreStringStart - 1>
            <cfset matchup.teamTwo = #Mid(matchup.teamTwo,1,teamTwoScoreStringStart)#>

        <cfset matchup.matchDate = trim(listgetat("#z#", 3, "@")) />

        <!--- Don't care, just make sure it doesn't crash --->

    <cfset arrayAppend(matchArray,matchup) />


<cfif ShowGameDump EQ true>
    <cfdump var="#matchArray#" />

<!--- Ok lets do something with our live scores, loop through the array and add total score --->
<!--- This will be our new array to hold our information --->
<cfset matchInfoArray = arrayNew(1)>                
<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(matchArray)#" index="i">

    <cfset matchupinfo = structNew() />

    <!--- Set MATCHDATE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.matchdate = matchArray[i].matchdate>

    <!--- Set TOTAL POINTS --->
    <cfif isnumeric(matchArray[i].teamonescore) AND isnumeric(matchArray[i].teamtwoscore)>
        <cfset matchupinfo.total = (matchArray[i].teamonescore + matchArray[i].teamtwoscore)>
        <cfset matchupinfo.total = 0>

    <!--- Set TEAM ONE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamOne = matchArray[i].teamOne />

    <!--- Set TEAM ONE SCORE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamOneScore = matchArray[i].teamonescore />

    <!--- Set TEAM TWO --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamTwo = matchArray[i].teamTwo />

    <!--- Set TEAM ONE SCORE --->
    <cfset matchupinfo.teamTwoScore = matchArray[i].teamtwoscore />

    <!--- Add game info to the array --->
    <cfset arrayAppend(matchInfoArray,matchupinfo) />


<cfif ShowPassFail EQ true>
    <font size="2" style="color:green;">Live Scoring Template Updated Successfully </font><br /><br /><br /><br />
<cfset variables.UpdatePassed = true>

<cfcatch type="any">
    <!--- If something went wrong, lets let display an error message and dump the catch --->
    <cfif ShowPassFail EQ true>
        <font size="2" style="color:red;">Live Scoring Template Failed to Update </font><br />
    <cfset variables.UpdatePassed = false>
    <cfdump var="#cfcatch#">


<!--- Lets make the display a little nicer :) --->
<table width="100%" border="1">

<tr align="center">
        Team 1
        Game Info
        Team 2

<cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(matchInfoArray)#" index="i">


        <td width="40%" align="left">
            <table border="0" width="100%">
                    <td align="center" width="60%">
                        <font size="4">
                    <td align="right">
                        <font size="6">
                        #matchInfoArray[i].teamOneScore# &nbsp;
        <td width="20%" align="center">
            Total: #matchInfoArray[i].total#<br />
        <td width="40%">
            <table border="0" width="100%">
                    <td align="left">
                        <font size="6">
                    <td align="center" width="60%">
                        <font size="4">

You can use the preg_match() function 您可以使用preg_match()函数

$string = "Tampa Bay 6 Florida 5 (FINAL - OT)";

preg_match("/^([^\d]+)(\d+)([^\d]+)(\d+)\s*(\(.*\))$/", $string, $result);



Array ( [0] => Tampa Bay 6 Florida 5 (FINAL - OT) [1] => Tampa Bay [2] => 6 [3] => Florida [4] => 5 [5] => (FINAL - OT) ) 数组([0] =>坦帕湾6佛罗里达州5(最终-OT)[1] =>坦帕湾[2] => 6 [3] =>佛罗里达州[4] => 5 [5] =>(最终- OT))

And you can use predefined column indexes: 您可以使用预定义的列索引:

$first_team = 1;
$first_team_score = 2;

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