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[英]running several commands using php's shell_exec

I've tried for a while now every way possibly known to me, and have yet to crack this thing, it's probably very trivial but couldn't find the answer. 我已经尝试了一段时间,现在我可能知道的每一种方式,并且还没有破解这个东西,它可能非常微不足道但是找不到答案。

I want to run several commands at once using php shell_exec, for example shell_exec("cd ..; dir") but I am unable to find how to execute a few commands, what is the seperator? 我想使用php shell_exec一次运行几个命令,例如shell_exec("cd ..; dir")但我无法找到如何执行一些命令,什么是分隔符? is it ;, is it /n? 是吗,是吗? nothing seems to work. 似乎没什么用。

Please note I am running with windows. 请注意我正在运行Windows。

https://superuser.com/a/62854 https://superuser.com/a/62854

&& will execute command 2 when command 1 is complete providing it didn't fail, & will execute regardless. &&将执行命令2时,命令1是完全提供它没有失败, &无论将执行。

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