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[英]XML Deserialization with Servicestack.Text

I am learning Servicestack.Text Library as it has some of the best features.I am trying to deserialize XML into one of my DTOs as below; 我正在学习Servicestack.Text库,因为它具有一些最好的功能。我正在尝试将XML反序列化为我的一个DTO,如下所示;

C# Code: [Relevant Code with Console Application Here] C#代码: [与控制台应用程序相关的代码]

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string str = "http://static.cricinfo.com/rss/livescores.xml";
            WebClient w = new WebClient();
            string xml = w.DownloadString(str);
            Response rss = xml.FromXml<Response>();
            foreach (var item in rss.rss.Channel.item)

You can go through the XML file at str [Given in the program]. 您可以在str [程序中的给定]中查看XML文件。 I have prepared DTOs for the deserialization. 我为反序列化准备了DTO。 They are as below: 它们如下:

public  class Response
   public RSS rss { get; set; }

public class RSS
   public string Version { get; set; }
   public ChannelClass Channel { get; set; }

public class ChannelClass
   public string title { get; set; }
   public string ttl { get; set; }
   public string description { get; set; }
   public string link { get; set; }
   public string copyright { get; set; }
   public string language { get; set; }
   public string pubDate { get; set; }
   public List<ItemClass> item { get; set; }

public class ItemClass
   public string title { get; set; }
   public string link { get; set; }
   public string description { get; set; }
   public string guid { get; set; }

When I run the program, I get an exception as shown below: 当我运行程序时,我得到一个例外,如下所示:


So, to change the Element and the namespace , I did following workaround: 因此,要更改Elementnamespace ,我做了以下解决方法:

I put the DataContractAttribute on my Response class as below: 我把DataContractAttribute放在我的Response类上,如下所示:

[DataContract(Namespace = "")]
public  class Response
   public RSS rss { get; set; }

I changed the Element name as below by adding following two lines just before deserializing 我通过在反序列化之前添加以下两行来更改Element名称,如下所示

  //To change rss Element to Response as in Exception
  xml = xml.Replace("<rss version=\"2.0\">","<Response>");
  //For closing tag
  xml = xml.Replace("</rss>","</Response>");

But, it gave another exception on the foreach loop as the deserialized rss object was null . 但是,它在foreach循环上给出了另一个例外,因为反序列化的rss对象为null So, how should I deserialize it in a proper way using Servicestack.Text ? 那么,我应该如何使用Servicestack.Text以适当的方式对其进行反序列化?

Note : 注意 :

I know well how to deserialize with other libraries, I want to do it with ServiceStack only. 我很清楚如何使用其他库进行反序列化,我只想使用ServiceStack。

TLDR: Use XmlSerializer to deserialize from xml dialects you can't control; TLDR:使用XmlSerializer从您无法控制的xml方言反序列化; ServiceStack is designed for code-first development and can not be adapted to general purpose xml parsing. ServiceStack专为代码优先开发而设计, 不能适用于通用xml解析。

ServiceStack.Text does not implement a custom Xml serializer - it uses DataContractSerializer under the hood. ServiceStack.Text 没有实现自定义Xml序列化程序 - 它使用了DataContractSerializer FromXml is merely syntactic sugar. FromXml只是语法糖。

Using DataContractSerializer to parse Xml 使用DataContractSerializer来解析Xml

As you've noticed, DataContractSerializer is picky about namespaces . 正如您所注意到的, DataContractSerializer命名空间很挑剔。 One approach is to specify the namespace explicitly on the class, but if you do this, you'll need to specify [DataMember] everywhere since it assumes that if anything is explicit, everything is. 一种方法是在类上明确指定命名空间,但是如果这样做,则需要在任何地方指定[DataMember] ,因为它假定如果有任何内容是明确的,那么一切都是。 You can work around this problem using an assembly-level attribute (eg in AssemblyInfo.cs) to declare a default namespace: 您可以使用程序集级属性(例如在AssemblyInfo.cs中)来解决此问题,以声明默认命名空间:

[assembly: ContractNamespace("", ClrNamespace = "My.Namespace.Here")]

This solves the namespace issue. 这解决了命名空间问题。

However, you cannot solve 2 other issues with DataContractSerializer: 但是,您无法解决DataContractSerializer的其他2个问题:

  • It will not use attributes (in your case, version ) 它不会使用属性(在您的情况下, version
  • It requires that collections such as item have both a wrapping name and an element name (something like items and item) 它要求诸如item集合具有包装名称和元素名称(类似于项目和项目)

You cannot work around these limitations because DataContractSerializer is not a general-purpose XML parser . DataContractSerializer这些限制,因为DataContractSerializer不是通用XML解析器 It is intended to easily produce and consume an API, not map arbitrary XML onto a .NET datastructure. 它旨在轻松生成和使用API​​,而不是将任意XML映射到.NET数据结构。 You will never get it to parse rss; 你永远不会得到它来解析rss; so therefore ServiceStack.Text (which just wraps it) can also not parse it. 因此,ServiceStack.Text(它只包装它)也无法解析它。

Instead, use XmlSerializer . 相反,使用XmlSerializer

Using XmlSerializer 使用XmlSerializer

This is rather straighforward. 这是相当直接的。 You can parse input with something along the lines of: 您可以使用以下内容解析输入:

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RSS));
RSS rss = (RSS)serializer.Deserialize(myXmlReaderHere);

The trick is to annotate the various fields such that they match your xml dialect. 诀窍是注释各个字段,使它们与你的xml方言相匹配。 For example, in your case that would be: 例如,在您的情况下,将是:

public class RSS
    public string version { get; set; }
    public ChannelClass channel { get; set; }

public class ChannelClass
    public string title { get; set; }
    public string ttl { get; set; }
    public string description { get; set; }
    public string link { get; set; }
    public string copyright { get; set; }
    public string language { get; set; }
    public string pubDate { get; set; }
    public List<ItemClass> item { get; set; }

public class ItemClass
    public string title { get; set; }
    public string link { get; set; }
    public string description { get; set; }
    public string guid { get; set; }

So some judicious attributes suffice to get it to parse the XML as you want. 因此,一些明智的属性足以让它根据需要解析XML。

In summary: you cannot use ServiceStack for this since it uses DataContractSerializer .ServiceStack/ DataContractSerializer are designed for scenarios where you control the schema. 总结:您不能使用ServiceStack,因为它使用DataContractSerializer .ServiceStack / DataContractSerializer是为您控制架构的场景而设计的。 Use XmlSerializer instead. 请改用XmlSerializer

A few things: 一些东西:

  1. Since you are using the [DataContract] attribute. 由于您使用的是[DataContract]属性。 You must include the DTOs properties with the [DataMember] Attribute or they will be skipped in the serialization/deserialization process. 必须将DTO属性包含在[DataMember]属性中,否则将在序列化/反序列化过程中跳过它们。 Use the assembly attribute as specified in XML deserializing only works with namespace in xml 使用XML反序列化中指定的assembly属性仅适用于xml中的命名空间

  2. Your xml manipulation needs to change to wrap the rss inside a response instead or replacing it. 您的xml操作需要更改以将rs包装在响应中或替换它。

    xml = xml.Replace("<rss version=\\"2.0\\">", "<Response><rss version=\\"2.0\\">");

  3. I would recommend building an test Response object yourself, serlialize it to XML using ServiceStack's .ToXml() method to see the format it is expecting. 我建议您自己构建一个测试Response对象,使用ServiceStack的.ToXml()方法将其serilialize为XML,以查看它期望的格式。 You will see service stack handles the channel items as a child list of items that is not how the RSS formats the channel items. 您将看到服务堆栈将通道项目处理为项目的子列表,而不是RSS格式化通道项目的方式。 You would have to wrap all your items into a node called <ItemClass> 您必须将所有项目包装到名为<ItemClass>的节点中

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