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[英]rails_admin plugin issue with nested form on a has_many :through relationship

I have what seems to be a cookie cutter problem that even has an associated wiki page here: https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/wiki/Has-many-%3Athrough-association 我有一个似乎是一个cookie切割器问题,甚至在这里有一个相关的维基页面: https//github.com/sferik/rails_admin/wiki/Has-many-%3A through- association

I'll try to be brief. 我会尽量简短。 I have a has_many :through relationship in an application I'm building. 我正在构建的应用程序中有一个has_many:through关系。 The models involved are the following: 涉及的模型如下:

Athlete, AthleteRole, SportRole. 运动员,AthleteRole,SportRole。

The sport_roles table has a list of generic roles that an athlete can have such as first baseman, second baseman, etc. The athlete_roles table is the many to many join table that contains an athlete_id and a sport_id. sport_roles表有一个运动员可以拥有的一般角色列表,如一垒手,二垒手等.runior_roles表是包含athlete_id和sport_id的多对多联接表。

My models are defined below with code examples. 我的模型在下面用代码示例定义。 I simply want to be able to create an Athlete and associate them with 1+ sport roles (which will ultimately create 1+ new records in the athlete_roles table). 我只是希望能够创建一名运动员,并将他们与1+运动角色联系起来(最终将在athlete_roles表中创建1个以上的新记录)。 It shouldn't ask me for an athlete_id as the athlete won't have an id until save is called on the backend and validation passes. 它不应该问我一个Athle_id,因为运动员在后端和验证通过后调用保存之前不会有id。 I don't need to be able to create new sport_roles here. 我不需要在这里创建新的sport_roles。 We'll assume all roles that the new athlete being created can take on have already been predefined. 我们将假设所创建的新运动员可以承担的所有角色已经预定义。

** EDIT ** **编辑**

To clarify, my question is, how do I get to pick one or multiple existing sport roles for an athlete using the rails_admin plugin, NOT in a stand alone form ? 为了澄清,我的问题是,如何使用rails_admin插件为运动员选择一个或多个现有运动角色,而不是单独使用 I do not wish to create new sport roles, but I want to be able to pick an existing one or two when creating an athlete and have that data reflected in the athlete_roles table. 我不希望创建新的运动角色,但我希望能够在创建运动员时选择现有的一个或两个,并将这些数据反映在athlete_roles表中。

Code below. 代码如下。

class Athlete < ActiveRecord::Base

   has_many :athlete_roles, :dependent => :delete_all, :autosave => true, :include => :sport_role
   has_many :sport_roles, :through => :athlete_roles

  attr_accessible :first_name
  attr_accessible :middle_name
  attr_accessible :last_name
  attr_accessible :suffix_name
  attr_accessible :birthdate

  # for a multiselect widget:
  attr_accessible :sport_role_ids
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :athlete_roles, :allow_destroy => true
  attr_accessible :athlete_roles_attributes

class AthleteRole < ActiveRecord::Base

  attr_accessible :athlete_id
  attr_accessible :sport_role_id

  # Associations
    belongs_to :athlete
    belongs_to :sport_role

    # validations
    validates :athlete_id,:presence=>true,:uniqueness=>{:scope => [:sport_role_id], :message => "is already associated with this Sport Role"}
  validates :sport_role_id,:presence=> true

class SportRole < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :athlete_roles, :dependent => :delete_all
  has_many :athletes, :through => :athlete_roles

  attr_accessible :name
  attr_accessible :short_name
  attr_accessible :description
  attr_accessible :created_at
  attr_accessible :updated_at

  attr_accessible :athlete_ids
  attr_accessible :athlete_role_ids

  validates :name, :presence => true
  validates :short_name, :presence => true
  validates :description,:length=>{:maximum => 500, :allow_nil => true}


I think the problem here resides in your model. 我认为这里的问题存在于你的模型中。

A model like you are describing, is a has and belongs to many relation and should look like so: 像你所描述的模型,是一个拥有并且属于许多关系 ,应该如下所示:

athlete: 运动员:

class Athlete < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :sport_roles

sports role 体育角色

class SportRole < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :athletes

The migrations should look like: 迁移应该如下所示:

athlete 运动员

class CreateAthletes < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :athletes do |t|

sports role 体育角色

class CreateSportRoles < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :sport_roles do |t|

relation between athletes and sports roles 运动员与运动角色的关系

class SportRolesAthletes < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :sport_roles_athletes , :id => false do |t|
      t.integer :sport_role_id
      t.integer :athlete_id

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