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[英]JNI Call java method from c program

I need to call java method from c program. 我需要从C程序调用Java方法。 i have tried below code to call the java method through Java native interface but facing issues while compilation. 我试过下面的代码通过Java本机接口调用Java方法,但是在编译时遇到问题。 im new to C and have experience in java. 我是C语言新手,并且有Java经验。 so, im not able to think myself what is happening while creating JVM. 因此,在创建JVM时,我无法自已。

Below is the code. 下面是代码。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <jni.h>

JNIEnv* create_vm() {
    JavaVM* jvm;
    JNIEnv* env;
    JavaVMInitArgs args;
    JavaVMOption options[1];
    args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6;
    args.nOptions = 1;
    options[0].optionString = "-Djava.class.path=D:\\Ashish_Review\\JNI\\src";
    args.options = options;
    args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE;

    JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void **)&env, &args);
    return env;

void invoke_class(JNIEnv* env) {
    jclass helloWorldClass;
    jmethodID mainMethod;
    jobjectArray applicationArgs;
    jstring applicationArg0;

    helloWorldClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "HelloWorld");

    mainMethod = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, helloWorldClass, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");

    applicationArgs = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 1, (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String"), NULL);
    applicationArg0 = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "From-C-program");
    (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, applicationArgs, 0, applicationArg0);

    (*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, helloWorldClass, mainMethod, applicationArgs);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    JNIEnv* env = create_vm();
    invoke_class( env );

C:\Users\Desktop\tcc>tcc C:\TurboC++\Disk\TurboC3\BIN\CTest.c -I "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\include" -I "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\include\win32" -shared -o CTest.dll
tcc: undefined symbol '_JNI_CreateJavaVM@12'

please help me out. 请帮帮我。

The error message is about the linking stage, not compilation - you have included the header file, but to create the executable you have to specify the .a (library files) also. 错误消息与链接阶段有关,而不是编译阶段-您已包含头文件,但是要创建可执行文件,您还必须指定.a(库文件)。

You have to link with JVM's library (add some reference to libjvm.a to the tcc's command line). 您必须链接到JVM的库(在tcc的命令行中添加对libjvm.a的一些引用)。

If you don't have a precompiled jvm.lib file for TurboC++, there is another option - link with the jvm.dll file and export all the methods from JVM manually. 如果没有用于TurboC ++的预编译的jvm.lib文件,则还有另一个选项-与jvm.dll文件链接,并手动从JVM导出所有方法。 This uses the LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress functions. 这将使用LoadLibrary / GetProcAddress函数。

For a short sample (sorry, couldn't find the entire export source code), look at this: 对于一个简短的示例(很抱歉,找不到完整的导出源代码),请查看以下内容:

/* load library */
HMODULE dll = LoadLibraryA("jvm.dll");

/* declare a function pointer and initialize it with the "pointer" to dll's code */
JNI_CreateJavaVM_func JNI_CreateJavaVM_ptr = GetProcAddress(dll, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");

Later use the JNI_CreateJavaVM_ptr instead of JNI_CreateJavaVM. 以后使用JNI_CreateJavaVM_ptr代替JNI_CreateJavaVM。 Also you'll have to declare the JNI_CreateJavaVM_func type - you might just copy the signature from "jni.h" 另外,您还必须声明JNI_CreateJavaVM_func类型-您可能只是从“ jni.h”复制签名

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