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[英]How to access resource file's value in code behind

In the xml I am able to access resource file's value by providing the corresponding key.xml我可以通过提供相应的键来访问资源文件的值。 First I have added the namespace as following首先,我添加了命名空间如下


And then bind the Text using following way然后使用以下方式绑定文本

Text="{x:Static res:Resources.city}"

But in my same application I have to use it in code behind.但是在我的同一个应用程序中,我必须在后面的代码中使用它。 What should I do it to access my resource file?我应该怎么做才能访问我的资源文件?

When I count the key of my resource file I found it 0 that does not make any sense as I have many keys in my resource file.当我计算我的资源文件的键时,我发现它0没有任何意义,因为我的资源文件中有很多键。


var cityName = Properties.Resources.city;

If the resource file is local to the UserControl / Window then try this ...如果资源文件位于UserControl / Window本地,请尝试此操作...

in the code behind at in the usings at the top ...在后面的代码中,在顶部的使用中......

using Resx = NameSpace.Resources ... call it what you like here. using Resx = NameSpace.Resources ... 在这里称其为您喜欢的using Resx = NameSpace.Resources

Wut NameSpace ?什么名字NameSpace - Look for it in the .Designer.cs resource file, the namespace that code is in. - 在.Designer.cs资源文件中查找,代码所在的命名空间。

then in the code behind ...然后在后面的代码中......

string actualText = Resx.Class.propertyNameOfResource

Wut Class ?Class - this one you're in right now (pun intended) Wut propertyNameOfResource - that's the Resource Key. - 你现在所处的这个(双关语)Wut propertyNameOfResource - 那是资源密钥。 VS Intellisense should work there. VS Intellisense 应该可以在那里工作。

Also handy is https://github.com/mrlacey/StringResourceVisualizer which shows you the actual strings in Visual Studio同样方便的是https://github.com/mrlacey/StringResourceVisualizer ,它显示了 Visual Studio 中的实际字符串

But you just broke any bindings you previously had if you assign it to a UI Control's content.但是,如果您将其分配给 UI 控件的内容,那么您只是破坏了以前拥有的任何绑定。

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