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芹菜任务链和访问** kwargs

[英]Celery Task Chain and Accessing **kwargs

I have a situation similar to the one outlined here , except that instead of chaining tasks with multiple arguments, I want to chain tasks that return a dictionary with multiple entries. 我有类似于此处概述的情况,除了不是使用多个参数链接任务,我想链接返回具有多个条目的字典的任务。

This is -- very loosely and abstractly --- what I'm trying to do: 这是 - 非常松散和抽象 - 我正在努力做的事情:

tasks.py tasks.py

def task1(item1=None, item2=None):
  item3 = #do some stuff with item1 and item2 to yield item3
  return_object = dict(item1=item1, item2=item2, item3=item3)
  return return_object

def task2(item1=None, item2=None, item3=None):
  item4 = #do something with item1, item2, item3 to yield item4
  return_object = dict(item1=item1, item2=item2, item3=item3, item4=item4)
  return return_object

Working from ipython, I am able to call task1 individually and asynchronously, with no problems. 从ipython开始,我可以单独和异步地调用task1,没有任何问题。

I can ALSO call task2 individually with the result returned by task1 as a double-star argument: 我也可以单独调用task2,task1返回的结果为双星参数:

>>res1 = task1.s(item1=something, item2=something_else).apply_async()
>>res2 = task2.s(**res1.result).apply_async()

However, what I ultimately want achieve is the same end result as above, but via a chain, and here, I can't figure out how to have task2 instantiated not with (positional) arguments returned by task1, but with task1.result as **kwargs: 但是,我最终想要实现的是与上面相同的最终结果,但是通过链,在这里,我无法弄清楚如何将task2实例化而不是使用task1返回的(位置) 参数 ,而是使用task1.result作为** kwargs:

chain_result = (task1.s(item1=something, item2=something_else) | task2.s()).apply_async()  #THIS DOESN'T WORK!

I suspect that I can go back and rewrite my tasks so that they return positional arguments instead of a dictionary, and this may clear things up, but it seems to me that there should be some way to access task1's return object in task2 with the equivalent functionality of the **double star. 我怀疑我可以回去重写我的任务,这样他们就可以返回位置参数而不是字典,这可能会让事情变得清晰,但在我看来应该有办法在task2中使用等效的方法访问task1的返回对象。 **双星的功能。 I also suspect that I'm missing something here fairly obvious about either Celery subtask implementation or *args vs. **kwargs. 我也怀疑我在这里遗漏了一些关于Celery子任务实现或* args与** kwargs相当明显的东西。

Hope this makes sense. 希望这是有道理的。 And thanks in advance for any tips. 并提前感谢任何提示。

This is my take at the problem, using an abstract task class: 这是我对问题的看法,使用抽象的任务类:

from __future__ import absolute_import
from celery import Task
from myapp.tasks.celery import app   

class ChainedTask(Task):
    abstract = True    

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict):
            args = ()
        return super(ChainedTask, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)

def task1(x, y):
    return {'x': x * 2, 'y': y * 2, 'z': x * y}    

def task2(x, y, z):
    return {'x': x * 3, 'y': y * 3, 'z': z * 2}

You can now define and execute your chain as such: 您现在可以定义和执行您的链:

from celery import chain

pipe = chain(task1.s(x=1, y=2) | task2.s())

chain and the other canvas primitives are in the family of functional utilities like map and reduce . chain和其他canvas原语属于mapreduce等功能实用程序。

Eg where map(target, items) calls target(item) for every item in the list, Python has a rarely used version of map called itertools.starmap , which instead calls target(*item) . 例如, map(target, items)调用列表中每个项目的target(item) ,Python有一个很少使用的地图版本,名为itertools.starmap ,它调用target(*item)

While we could add starchain and even kwstarchain to the toolbox, these would be very specialized and probably not used as often. 虽然我们可以将starchain甚至kwstarchain添加到工具箱中,但这些都非常专业,可能不经常使用。

Interestingly Python has made these unnecessary with the list and generator expressions, so that map is replaced with [target(item) for item in item] and starmap with [target(*item) for item in item] . 有趣的是,Python使用列表和生成器表达式使这些变得不必要,因此地图被替换为[target(item) for item in item]和星形图与[target(*item) for item in item] [target(item) for item in item] [target(*item) for item in item]

So instead of implementing several alternatives for each primitive I think we should focus on finding a more flexible way of supporting this, eg like having celery powered generator expressions (if possible, and if not something similarly powerful) 因此,我认为我们应该专注于寻找一种更灵活的方式来支持这一点,而不是为每个原语实现几个替代方案,例如像芹菜动力发电机表达式(如果可能的话,如果不是同样强大的东西)

Since this isn't built into celery, I wrote a decorator function to something similar myself. 由于这不是内置于芹菜,我自己写了一个装饰函数给类似的东西。

# Use this wrapper with functions in chains that return a tuple. The
# next function in the chain will get called with that the contents of
# tuple as (first) positional args, rather than just as just the first
# arg. Note that both the sending and receiving function must have
# this wrapper, which goes between the @task decorator and the
# function definition. This wrapper should not otherwise interfere
# when these conditions are not met.

class UnwrapMe(object):
    def __init__(self, contents):
        self.contents = contents

    def __call__(self):
        return self.contents

def wrap_for_chain(f):
    """ Too much deep magic. """
    def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if type(args[0]) == UnwrapMe:
            args = list(args[0]()) + list(args[1:])
        result = f(*args, **kwargs)

        if type(result) == tuple and current_task.request.callbacks:
            return UnwrapMe(result)
            return result
    return _wrapper

Mine unwraps like the starchain concept, but you could easily modify it to unwrap kwargs instead. 我想像星starchain概念那样starchain ,但是你可以轻松修改它以解开kwargs。

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