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[英]MVC routing does not work for non-default/root action controller on virtual directory

I am using the default "ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application" on IIS (which I have no admin access to) and while I can navigate to 我在IIS上使用默认的“ASP.NET MVC 2 Web应用程序”(我没有管理员访问权限),而我可以导航到

"server/ITEC" “服务器/ ITEC”

I can't navigate to "server/ITEC/About" without the server returning an error - a 404 error. 如果服务器没有返回错误,我无法导航到“server / ITEC / About” - 404错误。

I'm also using RouteDebugger for testing - when I use the default "server/ITEC" it matches (aka the default home/index controller action) but when I manually type in "server/ITEC/About" I don't even see the RouteDebugger page. 我也使用RouteDebugger进行测试 - 当我使用默认的“server / ITEC”时它匹配(也就是默认的home / index控制器动作)但是当我手动输入“server / ITEC / About”时我甚至看不到RouteDebugger页面。 Also, of note, when I place an "index.html" file in "server/Itec/About" it returns the results, which leads me to believe that the directory is configured to use the file system and not MVC routing when handling requests - is this a safe assumption? 另外值得注意的是,当我在“server / Itec / About”中放置一个“index.html”文件时,它返回结果,这使我相信目录配置为在处理请求时使用文件系统而不是MVC路由 - 这是一个安全的假设吗?

How do I update my Global.asax file so that I can return the non-default controllers/actions? 如何更新我的Global.asax文件以便我可以返回非默认控制器/操作? Or is this a server issue and how do I go about fixing that? 或者这是一个服务器问题,我该如何解决这个问题?

Thanks! 谢谢!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;

namespace mikeProg
    // Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode,
    // visit http://go.microsoft.com/?LinkId=9394801

    public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

                "Default", // Route name
                "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
                new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults            



        protected void Application_Start()


I figured this out! 我想出来了!

On the Wildcard application maps section for aspnet_isapi.dll the checkbox for 在aspcard_isapi.dll的通配符应用程序映射部分的复选框

"Verify that file exists" was checked. 检查了“验证文件是否存在”。

Once I asked the System Administrator to uncheck it everything routed perfectly. 一旦我要求系统管理员取消选中,一切都完美无误。

Why is this even an option??? 为什么这甚至是一个选择? when would I use it? 我什么时候用它?

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