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[英]Changing Solr from single core to multicore, want to keep index data

I currently have a single solr index with a large volume of data. 我目前有一个包含大量数据的solr索引。 I am converting this into a multicore instance, and one of the cores will be the existing index. 我将其转换为多核实例,其中一个核心将是现有索引。

The data directory is already even in the right location, so theoretically nothing should need to be moved or changed. 数据目录已经在正确的位置,因此理论上不需要移动或更改任何内容。

I know adding new cores in is not a problem, but I was wondering if moving from not specifying cores to explicitly having them will in some way invalidate the current index? 我知道添加新内核不是问题,但我想知道如果从不指定内核转移到明确拥有它们会以某种方式使当前索引无效吗?

Multicore setup will not affect your existing core. 多核设置不会影响您现有的核心。 You just need to configure solr.xml in your solr home to point to different cores and ensure that the old core has all the data/config as per the definition. 您只需在solr主目录中配置solr.xml以指向不同的内核,并确保旧内核具有根据定义的所有数据/配置。

As long as solr schema remains same your old data dir should be fine. 只要solr架构保持不变,您的旧数据目录应该没问题。

I don't think your existing index will get corrupted. 我不认为您现有的索引会被破坏。 Just to be safe though, try it on a smaller test index on another machine before doing it on the machine with the big index. 但为了安全起见,在使用大索引的机器上进行测试之前,先在另一台机器上的较小测试索引上尝试它。 The Solr CoreAdmin wiki could also be of help to you. Solr CoreAdmin wiki也可以为您提供帮助。

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