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未来一段时间在App Engine上执行任务的最有效方法是什么?

[英]What's the most effective way to execute a task some distant time in the future on App Engine?

I have an application on App Engine which is consuming some data. 我在App Engine上有一个正在使用一些数据的应用程序。 After parsing that data, it will know that it needs to execute something in a period of time - possibly not for a number of hours or weeks. 解析该数据后,它将知道它需要在一段时间内执行某些操作-可能不需要数小时或数周。

What is the best way to execute a piece of code after some arbitrary amount of time on App Engine? 在App Engine上经过任意时间后,执行一段代码的最佳方法是什么?

I figured using Countdown Millis or EtaMillis from a TaskQueue would work, but haven't seen any evidence of anyone doing the same thing, especially for such long time frames. 我认为可以使用TaskQueue中的Countdown MillisEtaMillis起作用,但是还没有任何证据表明有人在做同样的事情,尤其是在这么长的时间范围内。

Is that the best approach, or is there a better way? 那是最好的方法,还是有更好的方法?


We successfully use TaskQueue's countdown parameter for sending emails to customers 7 days after they registered and for number of other needs. 我们成功使用TaskQueue的countdown参数在注册后7天向客户发送电子邮件以及其他需求。

Task queues is core/basic API/service and are pretty reliable - my opinion it's a best way to go with task queues ETA/countdown unless you: 任务队列是核心/基本API /服务,并且非常可靠-我认为这是处理任务队列ETA /倒计时的最佳方法,除非您:

  • need ability programmatically see what is in the queue 需要能力以编程方式查看队列中有什么
  • need ability programmatically delete certain task from the queue 需要能力以编程方式从队列中删除某些任务

I'm using the task queue as a scheduler. 我正在使用任务队列作为调度程序。 There is a 30 day max eta declared in QueueConstants and applied in QueueImpl . QueueConstants中声明并在QueueImpl中应用的最大eta最长为30天。

  //Returns the maximum time into the future that a task may be scheduled.
  private static final long MAX_ETA_DELTA_MILLIS = 2592000000L;

1000ms * 60s * 60m * 24hr * 30days = 2592000000ms 1000ms * 60s * 60m * 24hr * 30天= 2592000000ms

 private long determineEta(TaskOptions taskOptions) {
Long etaMillis = taskOptions.getEtaMillis();
Long countdownMillis = taskOptions.getCountdownMillis();
if (etaMillis == null) {
  if (countdownMillis == null) {
    return currentTimeMillis();
  } else {
    if (countdownMillis > QueueConstants.getMaxEtaDeltaMillis()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ETA too far into the future");
    if (countdownMillis < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative countdown is not allowed");
    return currentTimeMillis() + countdownMillis;
} else {
  if (countdownMillis == null) {
    if (etaMillis - currentTimeMillis() > QueueConstants.getMaxEtaDeltaMillis()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ETA too far into the future");
    if (etaMillis < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative ETA is invalid");
    return etaMillis;
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Only one or neither of EtaMillis and CountdownMillis may be specified");

} }

I do the following: 我执行以下操作:

  1. Enqueue a task with a delay configured as you mention. 按照您提到的配置延迟入队任务。 Have the task processing change datastore entries in a known way (for example: set a flag). 让任务处理以已知方式更改数据存储条目(例如:设置标志)。

  2. Have a stragglers low frequency cron job, to perform any processing that has somehow been missed by an enqueued task (for example: an uncaught exception happened in the task). 进行散乱的低频Cron作业,以执行排队任务以某种方式错过的任何处理(例如:任务中发生未捕获的异常)。

For this to work, ensure that the processing called by the tasks and cron job are idempotent. 为此,请确保任务和cron作业调用的处理是幂等的。

Enjoy? 请享用?

I think taskQueue is a good strategy but has one big problem "If a push task is created successfully, it will eventually be deleted (at most seven days after the task successfully executes)." 我认为taskQueue是一个不错的策略,但是有一个大问题:“如果成功创建了一个推送任务,它将最终被删除(在任务成功执行后最多7天)。” Source 资源

I would instead use the datastore . 我会改用数据存储区 here is one strategy you can take: 这是您可以采取的一种策略:

  1. Insert a record into datastore once you completed "parsing that data". 完成“解析数据”后,将记录插入数据存储中。
  2. Check the current date against the create/insert date to see how much time has passed by since your job was completed/started etc (clearly, you don't want to do every minute etc maybe do it once a day or every hour) 将当前日期与创建/插入日期进行对照,以查看自从您的工作完成/开始以来经过了多少时间(显然,您不想每分钟都这样做,也许每天或每小时都要做一次)
  3. Execute the next task that you need to do as soon as condition in step 2 become passed your "arbitrary amount of time" you want. 一旦步骤2中的条件通过所需的“任意时间”,就执行您需要做的下一个任务。

Here is how you can add a record to data store...to get you started .. 您可以通过以下方法将记录添加到数据存储中...以开始使用..

    Entity parsDataHolder = new Entity("parsing_data_done", guestbookKey);
    parsDataHolder.setProperty("date", date);

DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();

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