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[英]Determine if Dictionary Contains All of a Set of Keys

I'm trying to figure out the best way to determine if a Dictionary<string, string> object contains all of a set of string objects as keys. 我试图找出确定Dictionary<string, string>对象是否包含所有一组string对象作为键的最佳方法。

I'm probably not making any sense so here's some example code using a definite set of strings: 我可能没有任何意义,所以这里有一些使用一组确定字符串的示例代码:

public static bool ContainsKeys(this Dictionary<string, string> dictionary)
  return dictionary.ContainsKey("fname") && dictionary.ContainsKey("lname") && dictionary.ContainsKey("address1") &&
         dictionary.ContainsKey("city") && dictionary.ContainsKey("state") && dictionary.ContainsKey("zip");

The idea here is to accept an arbitrary set of strings as keys and check if the keys of the Dictionary<string, string> object contain all of the strings in keys . 这里的想法是接受字符串任意一组作为keys和检查的钥匙Dictionary<string, string>对象包含所有字符串keys

I was trying to go down the LINQ road with this: 我试图沿着LINQ路走下去:

public static bool ContainsKeys(this Dictionary<string, string> dictionary, string[] keys)
  var query = from entry in dictionary
              where keys.Contains(entry.Key)
              select entry;

  return query.Any();

I have no idea if I'm on the right path though - I think this might work if I wanted to know if dictionary contained any of those strings as keys. 我不知道我是否在正确的道路上 - 我认为如果我想知道dictionary包含任何这些字符串作为键,这可能会有效。

Something like this should meet your requirement. 这样的事情应该符合你的要求。 Apply proper validations around your arguments, of course. 当然,在你的论点周围应用适当的验证。

return keys.Any() 
    && keys.All(key => dictionary.ContainsKey(key));

Note: I include Any because All will return true if the source sequence (keys) is actually empty. 注意:我包含Any因为如果源序列(键)实际为空,则All将返回true If you don't mind this, then eliminate the use of Any . 如果你不介意这一点,那么就不再使用Any

LINQ is indeed good for this sort of thing: LINQ对于这类事情确实很好:

public static bool ContainsKeys(this Dictionary<string, string> dictionary, string[] keys)
  return keys.All(dictionary.ContainsKey);

This can be done pretty simply using the All extension method. 这可以使用All扩展方法非常简单地完成。

return keys.All(k => dictionary.ContainsKey(k));

This will check that the given predicate ( dictionary.ContainsKey(k) ) is true for all keys in the given array. 这将检查给定谓词( dictionary.ContainsKey(k) )对于给定数组中的所有键是否为真。


return !keys.Except(dictionary.Keys).Any();

To expand on the accepted answer , here is the complete source code for an extension method that will work on ANY type of Dictionary, not just one with string keys: 要扩展已接受的答案 ,这里是扩展方法的完整源代码,它将适用于任何类型的Dictionary,而不仅仅是一个带有字符串键的字典:

using System.Linq;

namespace System.Collections.Generic

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    public static class IDictionaryExtensions

        public static bool ContainsKeys<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, IEnumerable<TKey> keys)
            return keys.Any() && keys.All(key => dictionary.ContainsKey(key));



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