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[英]Can't loading css in JSF

I'm using the JSF 2.2. 我正在使用JSF 2.2。 I can't add .css in my .xhtml page. 我无法在.xhtml页面中添加.css Code in .xhtml .xhtml代码

    <title>Login Page</title>

<h:outputStylesheet library="resources/css" name="style.css" id="cascade1"/>

Also I tried declare it into a <h:head> with the same result. 我也尝试将其声明为具有相同结果的<h:head> FireBug is seeing this resource but it is showing message: FireBug看到此资源,但显示消息:

Reload the page to get source for .../javax.faces.resource/style.css.xhtml;... 重新加载页面以获取... / javax.faces.resource / style.css.xhtml; ...的源代码

There is no need to use the library attribute: 无需使用library属性:

<h:outputStylesheet name="css/style.css"  />

This way, the JSF servlet expects the style.css file to be in /resources/css path. 这样,JSF servlet期望style.css文件位于/resources/css路径中。

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