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[英]Java synchoronize on copy of object rather then the actual object

I am looking at the bluetooth chat example and I don't understand why in the code bellow it is syncronzed on a copy of the local ConnectedThread object. 我正在看蓝牙聊天示例,但我不明白为什么在下面的代码中将它同步到本地ConnectedThread对象的副本上。 Surely r & mConnectedThread point to the same object? r&mConnectedThread确定指向同一对象吗?

public synchronized void write(byte[] out)
    // Create temporary object
    ConnectedThread r;

    // Synchronize a copy of the ConnectedThread
    synchronized (this)

        if (mState != ICommsService.STATE_CONNECTED)

        r = mConnectedThread;

    // Perform the write unsynchronized

It's not synchronized on the ConnectedThread object. 这不是ConnectedThread对象同步。 It's synchronized on this , so that no other thread can modify mState and mConnectedThread when the current thread needs them. 它同步于this ,所以没有其他线程可以修改mStatemConnectedThread在当前线程需要他们。

The comment who is probably confusing you says that's it's synchronizing a copy of the ConnectedThread (that is, it makes the copy of the reference to the ConnectedThread and that the copy process is synchronized). 可能使您感到困惑的评论说,这是因为它正在同步ConnectedThread的副本(也就是说,它使对ConnectedThread的引用的副本复制,并且复制过程已同步)。 The comment does not say that it is synchronizing on the copy of the ConnectedThread . 注释不说,它是副本同步ConnectedThread

And the reason why the function puts the reference to the ConnectedThread object in a local variable r before using it is to be able to not synchronize the whole object when calling write , which can be a long action. 该函数之所以在使用它之前将对ConnectedThread对象的引用放在局部变量r中的原因是,在调用write时可能不同步整个对象,这可能是一个漫长的动作。

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