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[英]Escape path separator in a regular expression

I need to write a regular expression that finds javascript files that match我需要编写一个正则表达式来查找匹配的 javascript 文件


For example, it should work for both :例如,它应该适用于两者:

  • c:\\mysite\\js\\common.js (Windows) c:\\mysite\\js\\common.js (Windows)
  • /var/www/mysite/js/common.js (UNIX) /var/www/mysite/js/common.js (UNIX)

The problem is that the file separator in Windows is not being properly escaped :问题是 Windows 中的文件分隔符没有被正确转义:

pattern = Pattern.compile(
     "^(.+?)" + 
     File.separator +
     "js" +
     File.separator +
     "(.+?).js$" );


java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal/unsupported escape sequence

Is there any way to use a common regular expression that works in both Windows and UNIX systems ?有什么方法可以使用在 Windows 和 UNIX 系统中都可以使用的通用正则表达式?

Does Pattern.quote(File.separator)<\/code> do the trick? Pattern.quote(File.separator)<\/code>能解决问题吗?

EDIT: This is available as of Java 1.5 or later.编辑:这在 Java 1.5 或更高版本中可用。 For 1.4, you need to simply escape the file separator char:对于 1.4,您需要简单地转义文件分隔符字符:

"\\" + File.separator

Is there any way to use a common regular expression that works in both Windows and UNIX systems ?有什么方法可以使用在 Windows 和 UNIX 系统中都可以使用的通用正则表达式?

Yes, just use a regex that matches both kinds of separator.是的,只需使用匹配这两种分隔符的正则表达式。

pattern = Pattern.compile(
    "^(.+?)" + 
    "[/\\\\]" +
    "js" +
    "[/\\\\]" +
    "(.+?)\\.js$" );

It's safe because neither Windows nor Unix permits those characters in a file or directory name.这是安全的,因为 Windows 和 Unix 都不允许在文件或目录名称中使用这些字符。

Can't you just use a backslash to escape the path separator like so:你不能像这样使用反斜杠来转义路径分隔符:

pattern = Pattern.compile(
     "^(.+?)\\" + 
     File.separator +
     "js\\" +
     File.separator +
     "(.+?).js$" );

Why don't you escape File.separator :你为什么不逃避File.separator

... +
"\\" + File.separator +

to fit Pattern.compile requirements?适合Pattern.compile要求? I hope "/" (unix case) is processed as a single "/".我希望将“/”(unix 大小写)作为单个“/”处理。

我已经在 Unix 系统上测试了 gimel 的答案 - 将"\\\\" + File.separator工作正常 - 模式中生成的"\\/"正确匹配单个"/"

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