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[英]Schedule a task refreshing HttpContext.Cache every day at a certain time

I have an MVC 3 c# website running which pulls records from a webservice. 我有一个运行MVC 3 c#的网站从web服务中提取记录。 As the dataset it gets from the webservice becomes bigger and bigger, I'm searching for a way that creating the cache of it isn't triggered by the first user to visit the site while there is no current cache, but on a daily schedule (like a cron job, scheduled task or something). 随着它从Web服务获取的数据集变得越来越大,我正在寻找一种方法,在没有当前缓存的情况下,第一个用户不会在没有当前缓存的情况下触发创建缓存,而是按照每日计划(像cron工作,计划任务或其他)。

How should I do this? 我该怎么做? Do I need some sort of trigger library like Quartz.net ? 我是否需要某种类似Quartz.net的触发器库? (I'd rather use a simpler solution) (我宁愿使用更简单的解决方案)

What I have in my controller now is: 我现在在控制器中拥有的是:

private List<DataSummary> GetSummaries()
        //get summaries from cache if available
        List<DataSummary> summaries = (List<DataSummary>)HttpContext.Cache["SummariesCache"];
        if (summaries == null)
            //cache empty, retrieve values
            summaries = _webservice.GetSummaries();
            //cache it
            HttpContext.Cache.Add("SummariesCache", summaries, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(12), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
        return summaries;


Edit 编辑

using CacheItemRemovedCallback causes time-out errors 使用CacheItemRemovedCallback会导致超时错误

This is a bit of a hacky solution but you could always create a scheduled task on the server which runs an executable. 这是一个hacky解决方案,但您始终可以在运行可执行文件的服务器上创建计划任务。 This executable hits a particular URL on your website, which in turn populates the cache exactly as you've outlined above. 此可执行文件会访问您网站上的特定URL,而后者又会按照您上面概述的方式填充缓存。 To hit the URL in the executable you'd need something along these lines: 要点击可执行文件中的URL,您需要以下内容:

var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL);
req.Timeout = 30000;        
req.KeepAlive = false;
req.Method = "GET";
var res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
if (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK){
    // Your cache should be refreshed

Creating a scheduled task is pretty simple as well - just make sure you run it in a user account that has execute permissions on the exe you create and don't require the user to be logged on for the task to start. 创建计划任务也非常简单 - 只需确保在对您创建的exe具有执行权限的用户帐户中运行它,并且不要求用户登录以启动任务。

Edit: Added a guide to setting up a scheduled task on Windows Server 2008 编辑:添加了在Windows Server 2008上设置计划任务的指南

  1. Open the start menu. 打开开始菜单。
  2. Type "Task Scheduler" in the search box (in older versions of Windows I believe this was found in Administrative Tools as "Scheduled Tasks"). 在搜索框中键入“任务计划程序”(在旧版本的Windows中,我相信在管理工具中可以找到“计划任务”)。 Open the Task Scheduler result. 打开任务计划程序结果。
  3. Right click on the root node of the tree on the left - "Task Scheduler (local)" - and select "Create Basic Task". 右键单击左侧树的根节点 - “任务计划程序(本地)” - 并选择“创建基本任务”。
  4. Give the task a name and description so you can identify it later. 为任务指定名称和描述,以便稍后识别。 Click next. 点击下一步。
  5. Select your duration (in your case daily sounds about right). 选择你的持续时间(在你的情况下每日听起来是正确的)。 Click next. 点击下一步。
  6. Change the start time if you want to. 如果您愿意,可以更改开始时间。 Click next. 点击下一步。
  7. Leave the action as "Start a program". 将操作保留为“启动程序”。 Click next. 点击下一步。
  8. Click "Browse..." and find the executable you created. 单击“浏览...”并找到您创建的可执行文件。 Click next. 点击下一步。
  9. On the last screen, tick the box that says "Open the Properties dialog..." then Finish. 在最后一个屏幕上,勾选“打开属性对话框...”框,然后单击“完成”。
  10. Change the security options to "Run whether user is logged on or not". 将安全选项更改为“运行用户是否登录”。 If necessary, change the user or group to an appropriate user account (one with necessary permissions to run the exe). 如有必要,请将用户或组更改为适当的用户帐户(具有运行exe的必要权限的帐户)。
  11. Click OK. 单击确定。 You will be asked to enter the account password that will run the task. 系统将要求您输入将运行该任务的帐户密码。 Do this and click OK. 执行此操作并单击“确定”
  12. Click on the Task Scheduler Library on the left. 单击左侧的Task Scheduler Library。 Your task should appear in the list on the right. 您的任务应出现在右侧的列表中。 You can test it by right clicking and selecting Run. 您可以通过右键单击并选择“运行”来测试它。

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