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[英]Entity Framework and DbSet

I am trying to set up a generic interface to retrieve entities from a repository. 我正在尝试设置一个通用接口来从存储库中检索实体。 The problem is that I need to request data from a WCF service and Generics don't work with operation contracts, from what I can see. 问题是我需要从WCF服务请求数据,而Generics不能使用操作合同,我可以看到。

So I have this which works in a console application, not using a service call: 所以我有一个在控制台应用程序中工作,而不是使用服务调用:

public virtual List<T> GetAll<T>() where T : MyBaseType
   return this.datacontext.Set<T>().Include(l => l.RelationshipEntity).ToList();

The only way I could see dong this would be something like: 我能看到这个的唯一方法是:

public virtual List<MyBaseType> GetAll(Type entityType)
   return this.datacontext.Set(entityType).Include(l => l.RelationshipEntity).ToList();

Set<T>() and Set(Type type) both return a DbSet but, Set(Type type) doesn't have the extension to use ToList() , nor do I get all my results back. Set<T>()Set(Type type)都返回DbSet但是Set(Type type)没有使用ToList()的扩展名,也没有返回所有结果。

The Local property is only showing the context in scope of the current execution, not what is contained in the repository. Local属性仅显示当前执行范围内的上下文,而不显示存储库中包含的内容。

So I want to have a WCF Contract like this: 所以我想要这样的WCF合同:

public interface IRulesService
     MyBaseType Add(MyBaseType entity);

     List<MyBaseType> GetAll(Type type);

Then the implementation: 然后执行:

public virtual List<MyBaseType> GetAll(Type entityType)
    var dbset = this.datacontext.Set(entityType);
    string sql = String.Format("select * from {0}s", type.Name);

    Type listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(entityType);
    List<MyBaseType> list = new List<MyBaseType>();

    IEnumerator result = dbset.SqlQuery(sql).GetEnumerator();

    while (result.MoveNext()){
        list.Add(result.Current as MyBaseType);

    return list;

//public virtual List<T> GetAll<T>() where T : MyBaseType
//   return this.datacontext.Set<T>().Include(l => l.RelationshipEntity).ToList();

public virtual MyBaseType Add(MyBaseType entity)
    DbSet set = this.datacontext.Set(typeof(entity));
    return entity; 

//public virtual T Add<T>(T t) where T : MyBaseType
//   this.datacontext.Set<T>().Add(t);
//   this.datacontext.SaveChanges();
//   return t;

public virtual List<MyBaseType> UpdateAll(List<MyBaseType> entities)


Any ideas the best approach? 任何想法最好的方法?

You should be able to call the Cast<T> extension method. 您应该能够调用Cast<T>扩展方法。

public virtual List<MyBaseType> GetAll(Type entityType)
   return this.datacontext.Set(entityType)
       .Include(l => l.RelationshipEntity)
       .Cast<MyBaseType>()  // The magic here

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