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[英]Hard coding Proxy in Java for connecting to specific URL

I have a web app which has to connect to external Web Services (using Axis client). 我有一个Web应用程序,该应用程序必须连接到外部Web服务(使用Axis客户端)。 I have to perform 2 things: 我必须执行两件事:

  • allow the webapp to go communicate externally using a given HTTP proxy (to authorize the WS clients) 允许Web应用程序使用给定的HTTP代理与外部进行通信(以授权WS客户端)
  • use a direct connection when we perform a local call through a URI like 当我们通过URI执行本地呼叫时,使用直接连接


Note that it works like a charm if we use the system properties (http.proxyHost, etc.) instead of the ProxySelector. 请注意,如果我们使用系统属性(http.proxyHost等)而不是ProxySelector,它就像一个超级按钮。

But thing is then all the local calls are routed to the Proxy Server, which I dont want. 但是,然后所有本地电话都路由到了代理服务器上,这是我所不希望的。

So, just a simple question - how to implement a ProxySelector which performs in the same way as when using proxy system properties? 因此,只有一个简单的问题-如何实现与使用代理系统属性时执行方式相同的ProxySelector

You can achieve this with the system properties by also setting http.nonProxyHosts=localhost . 您还可以通过设置http.nonProxyHosts=localhost使用系统属性来实现。 If you want to do it with a ProxySelector then try something like this 如果您想使用ProxySelector进行操作,请尝试这样的操作

final Proxy PROXY = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP,
  new InetSocketAddress("my.proxy.server", 8080));
ProxySelector.setDefault(new ProxySelector() {
  public List<Proxy> select(URI u) {
    if(u != null && !"localhost".equals(u.getHost())) {
      return Arrays.asList(PROXY, Proxy.NO_PROXY);
    else {
      return Collections.singletonList(Proxy.NO_PROXY);

  public void connectFailed(URI u, SocketAddress sa, IOException e) {
    // do nothing

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