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[英]ScrollTop does not work within DIV with overflow:hidden

I have a DIV, with hidden overflow, the whole CSS block for that DIV looks like this: 我有一个具有隐藏溢出的DIV,该DIV的整个CSS块如下所示:

.mainContainer .display_box .container .row .col_4 .dPost_box{
    width: 100%;

Then, I want to make the content of the DIV scroll every time I hover onto the element. 然后,我希望每次将鼠标悬停在元素上时都使DIV的内容滚动。 However, it won't work. 但是,它不起作用。 I have tried jQuery.scrollTop(), as well as updating regular scrollTop, it wouldn't work. 我已经尝试过jQuery.scrollTop()以及更新常规的scrollTop,但它不起作用。 I also tried using Smooth Scroll , and Autoscroll plugins but none of them would work either. 我也尝试使用Smooth ScrollAutoscroll插件,但是它们都不起作用。 My current Javascript looks like this: 我当前的Javascript如下所示:

 function autoScroll(div){
     setInterval(function() { 
    if (div.scrollTop() < div[0].scrollHeight - div.height()){
        div.scrollTop(div.scrollTop() + 10);
    }}, 1000);
 $(document).on({mouseenter: function(){
 }, mouseleave: function(){        
 }}, '.dPosts_post');

I've also tried: 我也尝试过:

function autoScroll(div){
     setInterval(function() { 
    if (div.scrollTop() < div[0].scrollHeight - div.height()){
        div.scrollTop[0] +=10;
    }}, 1000);

But nothing would work. 但是什么都行不通。 Preferably, I want to make the autoScroll function to work, but if there are any plugins that would work, I'd be more than happy to try them out. 最好是,我想使autoScroll函数正常工作,但是如果有任何可以工作的插件,我将非常乐于尝试它们。

Any thoughts would be appreciated. 任何想法将不胜感激。 Thanks! 谢谢!

I couldn't get scrollTop working, but I came of with a workaround. 我无法使scrollTop正常工作,但是我想到了一种解决方法。 Here's the code, if somebody else faces similar problem in the future: 这是代码,如果将来有人遇到类似的问题:

funnction autoScroll(div){
     //check whether the content does not fit inside the div

        //calculate how much the div needs to be scrolled
        var distance = div[0].scrollHeight - div.height() + 20;
        var topCoord = parseInt(div.css('top')); //inital top coordinate of the div
        var lineHeight = Math.floor(parseInt(div.css('font-size')) * 1.5);

        //calculate approximately how many lines there are in the distance that needs scrolling
        var linesCt = distance/lineHeight; 

        //scroll the div at a pace of 2.5s per line
        div.animate({top: topCoord - distance + 'px'}, 2500 * linesCt);

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