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Netbeans 7.3的烦恼

[英]Netbeans 7.3 annoyances

I recently switched from Eclipse to Netbeans 7.3 and experiencing a lot of quirks and i'm wondering if anyone else experienced them and/or got a solution. 我最近从Eclipse切换到Netbeans 7.3,并经历了很多怪癖,我想知道是否还有其他人经历过它们和/或找到了解决方案。 Because of these 'problems' i'm considering switching back to Eclipse again but i'm in doubt because NB has a lot of good things too ! 由于这些“问题”,我正在考虑再次切换回Eclipse,但我对此表示怀疑,因为NB也有很多优点!

These are the quirks: 这些是怪癖:

  • when creating a new Java class, and make some typo's eg somewhere in a method, NB does not recognize / display the errors directly, but after a very long wait or a restart of NB. 在创建新的Java类并在方法中的某个地方进行一些打错时,NB无法直接识别/显示错误,但是要经过很长的等待或NB重新启动。 This also happens to existing classes. 现有的类也会发生这种情况。
  • background scanning tasks is sometimes stuck at 100% 后台扫描任务有时会卡在100%
  • code completion does take forever. 代码完成并不会永远。 Don't even think about refactoring or renaming a class because it takes >3 minutes to scan the classpath (why, it's a new class for crying out load) 甚至不用考虑重构或重命名类,因为扫描类路径要花费3分钟以上的时间(为什么,这是一个新的类,可以减轻负载)
  • hot-deployment: changes are not always synchronized correctly with the (Glassfish) server. 热部署:更改并不总是与(Glassfish)服务器正确同步。 Sometimes a complete undeploy and deploy is needed to reflect the changes made in the source. 有时需要完全取消部署和部署以反映源中所做的更改。
  • NB manipules my pom.xml and glassfish-web.xml: it adds a deploy hint to the pom.xml and also changes or removes the context-root in the glassfish-web.xml. NB处理了我的pom.xml和glassfish-web.xml:它向pom.xml添加了部署提示,并且还更改或删除了glassfish-web.xml中的上下文根。 Please stop doing this! 请停止这样做!
  • Why o why can't i do a 'Fix imports' on my entire project. 为什么o为什么我不能在我的整个项目中执行“修复导入”。 You can do a 'organize import' on the entire project, but this won't add the missing imports. 可以对整个项目执行“组织导入”,但这不会添加丢失的导入。 See http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=167031#c2 参见http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=167031#c2

Running NB 7.3 on Windows XP, 3GB RAM, 2+GHz cpu The project is a Java 7 maven project containing 12 modules / sub projects 在Windows XP,3GB RAM,2 + GHz cpu上运行NB 7.3该项目是一个Java 7 maven项目,包含12个模块/子项目

I strongly recommend that you DO NOT attempt to install the ScanOnDemand plugin. 我强烈建议您不要尝试安装ScanOnDemand插件。 It completely trashed my Netbeans, forcing me to use the Task Manager to kill the process. 它完全破坏了我的Netbeans,迫使我使用任务管理器终止该进程。 No existing projects were found; 找不到现有项目; they were all listed as "unrecognized project; missing plug-in?". 它们都被列为“无法识别的项目;缺少插件?”。 I had to re-install Netbeans. 我不得不重新安装Netbeans。

One thing to look for is max heap allowed. 要寻找的一件事是允许的最大堆。 Try adding "-J-Xmx2000M" to the Netbeans startup. 尝试将“ -J-Xmx2000M”添加到Netbeans启动中。

ref: Setting Heap Size 参考: 设置堆大小

I suggest stick to your favourite IDE. 我建议坚持使用您最喜欢的IDE。 Eclipse is still popular and Juno packages are doing good and Kepler is already available. Eclipse仍然很流行,Juno软件包运行良好,开普勒已经可用。 You can try around latest packages. 您可以尝试最新的软件包。

IntelliJ IDEA looks better than other Java IDEs (light weight, faster, nice integration with SCM(source configuration) tools, possibility of easy cloud deployment, except that if you have freedom to choose your IDE whether you are part of a big/small teams, Otherwise there is no need to shift from one to other. IntelliJ is the first IDE to give nice in-built support to Play framework IntelliJ IDEA看起来比其他Java IDE更好(重量轻,速度更快,与SCM(源配置)工具的良好集成,易于部署云的可能性,除非您可以自由选择IDE,而不论您是大还是小,否则就无需相互转换,IntelliJ是第一个对Play框架提供良好内置支持的IDE

Google Android ADT is completely moving towards AndroidStudio based on community version of IntelliJ IDEA for faster and better GUI and app development. Google Android ADT完全转向基于IntelliJ IDEA社区版本的AndroidStudio,以实现更快,更好的GUI和应用程序开发。

As a Java developer it is not bad to try the other IDE to do some experiments or for any reason it strikes your mind. 作为Java开发人员,尝试使用另一个IDE进行一些实验或出于某种目的而引起您的注意也不错。

Eg: Netbeans comes with sample apps in Java EE,Java7/Java2EE which looks better, nice examples for websockets, Servlet3.0, NIO examples etc,...but just try it or just ignore if it does not work. 例如:Netbeans带有Java EE,Java7 / Java2EE中的示例应用程序,看起来更好,它是websockets,Servlet3.0,NIO示例等的好示例,但是请尝试一下,或者忽略它是否无效。 It is very easy to generate Entities from Database Tables, creating REST Endpoints in NetBeansIt may come with lot of in-built plugin-support for various java frameworks like RESTful webservice frameworks, JSF2.x, Primefaces3.x, SpringMVC, Struts but you may not sure to use the same version of framework. 从数据库表生成实体,在NetBeans中创建REST端点非常容易。它可能附带了许多内置的插件支持,这些插件支持各种Java框架,如RESTful Web服务框架,JSF2.x,Primefaces3.x,SpringMVC,Struts,但您可以不确定是否使用相同版本的框架。 Some plugins may not work sufficient according to your business needs. 根据您的业务需求,某些插件可能无法正常工作。 Even if you okay with existing version it is not very friendly to develop Rich real-time UI development because Netbeans with Primefaces, instead you need to manually create XHTML templates. 即使您可以使用现有版本,但由于使用Primefaces的Netbeans来开发Rich实时UI开发并不是很友好,而是需要手动创建XHTML模板。 Netbeans comes with nice support for Glassfish and tomcat, (other servers I am not sure but support is in-built). Netbeans对Glassfish和tomcat都提供了很好的支持(我不确定其他服务器,但支持是内置的)。 You can remote deployment with ease. 您可以轻松进行远程部署。 Netbeans learning tutorials on JavaEE nice for beginners in the subject. NetBeans关于JavaEE的学习教程非常适合该主题的初学者。

Netbeans also available as zipped bundle, hence no need to install even on Windows machines. Netbeans也可以作为压缩包提供,因此即使在Windows计算机上也无需安装。

Eclipse has got better support with Java RoboCode learning tool (initiated by developed by IBM long ago.). Eclipse通过Java RoboCode学习工具(由IBM于很早之前开发)获得了更好的支持。

Also Netbeans comes with nice support for HTML5, Groovy, PHP, C++ as well (according to posts by users community, because I did not use them). Netbeans也对HTML5,Groovy,PHP,C ++都提供了很好的支持(根据用户社区的帖子,因为我没有使用它们)。

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