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[英]SQL selecting for a unique character

in sql, I'd like to get all rows, where the slash '/' as character exists only once. 在sql中,我想得到所有行,斜杠'/'作为字符只存在一次。

For exapmle: 为了exapmle:

id | path_name  |
 1 | "/abc/def/"|
 2 | "/abc"     |
 3 | "/a/b/cdfe"|
 4 | "/hello"   |

select * from table1 where path_name=.... ;

So in this example, I want to have only the second and fourth row... 所以在这个例子中,我想只有第二和第四行......

How do I have to form this statement? 我该如何形成这个陈述?

where path_name like '%/%' and path_name not like '%/%/%'


where len(path_name) = len(replace(path_name,'/','')) + 1

To find an expression with exactly one slash: 要查找只有一个斜杠的表达式:

where path_name like '%/%' and not path_name like '%/%/%'

Explanation: The first one checks that the slash appears at least once. 说明:第一个检查斜杠是否至少出现一次。 The second one checks that it doesn't appear twice. 第二个检查它没有出现两次。

At least once, but less than twice, is exactly once. 至少一次,但不到两次,恰好是一次。

If you want only those which begin with a slash, you should change the first pattern to '/%' . 如果只想要以斜杠开头的那些,则应将第一个模式更改为'/%'

select * from table1 where path_name not like '/%/%' and path_name not like '/%/';

Or count the length after replacing / with nothing. 或者在更换/没有任何东西后计算长度。
WHERE ( LENGTH(col) - LENGTH(REPLACE(col, '/', '')) )=1

( thanks to How to count instances of character in SQL Column ) (感谢如何计算SQL列中的字符实例

1.select * from Table1 where len(path_name)-len(replace(path_name,'/',''))= 1

2.select * from table1 where len(path_name)= len(replace(path_name,'/',''))+1

3.select * from table1 where path_name like '%/%' and path_name not like'%/%/%'

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