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[英]How can I use “or”, “and” in C# Regex?

I have a pattern to match with the string: string pattern = @"asc" I am checking the SQL SELECT query for right syntax, semantics, ... I need to say that in the end of the query string I can have "asc" or "desc". 我有一个与字符串匹配的模式:字符串模式= @“ asc”我正在检查SQL SELECT查询的正确语法,语义,...我需要说的是,在查询字符串的末尾我可以有“ asc” ”或“ desc”。 How can it be written in C#? 如何用C#编写?

That'd look like 看起来像

new Regex("asc$|desc$").IsMatch(yourQuery)

assuming that you're mandating that asc/desc is the end of the query. 假设您要强制asc / desc是查询的结尾。 You could also do (?:asc|desc)$ which is a little cleaner with the single $ , but less readable. 你也可以做(?:asc|desc)$这是一个小吸尘器单$ ,但不可读性。

You want the "alternation" operator, which is the pipe. 您需要“ alternation”运算符,即管道。

For instance, I believe this would be represented as: 例如,我相信这可以表示为:


If you want to make it a non-capturing group you can do it in the normal way. 如果要使其成为非捕获组,则可以按常规方式进行。 I'm not a regex expert, but that's the first thing to try. 我不是正则表达式专家,但这是第一件事。

EDIT: MSDN has a page about regular expression language elements which may help you. 编辑:MSDN有一个关于正则表达式语言元素的页面,可能会对您有所帮助。

Just to add to the other answers, you probably wanna apply an ignore case option to the regex as well. 只是为了增加其他答案,您可能还想对正则表达式应用忽略大小写选项。

string tempString = "SELECT * FROM MyTable ORDER BY column DESC";

Regex r = new Regex("asc$|desc$", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

bool answer = r.IsMatch(tempString);

I reckon something like the following works as a regex in .Net: 我认为,.Net中的正则表达式如下所示:


.. it will match end of line as well as end of string. ..它将匹配行尾和字符串尾。 If you just want end of string try: 如果只想字符串结尾,请尝试:


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