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[英]One Cocoa app notified when another cocoa app terminated

Suppose there are two cocoa apps APP1 and APP2. 假设有两个可可应用程序APP1和APP2。 I want APP2 to be notified when APP1 terminates. 我希望在APP1终止时通知APP2。 I want some callback function registered with APP2 which will be called as soon as APP1 terminates. 我想要一些在APP2注册的回调函数,一旦APP1终止就会调用它。 How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? Any sample code will be highly appreciated. 任何示例代码都将受到高度赞赏。

You can observe the NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification . 您可以观察NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification Its userInfo dictionary contains details about which application was terminated (an NSRunningApplication object). userInfo字典包含有关终止哪个应用程序的详细信息( NSRunningApplication对象)。

You certainly looking for NSDistributedNotificationCenter . 您当然在寻找NSDistributedNotificationCenter

Whenever you want to send a notification from One app to Other, just like XCode3.2 and Interface Builder were sending notifications, use NSDistributedNotificationCenter . 每当您想要从One应用程序向其他应用程序发送通知时,就像XCode3.2和Interface Builder正在发送通知一样,请使用NSDistributedNotificationCenter

This documentation contains sample code such as DockTile, that will come handy to you. 本文档包含DockTile等示例代码,对您来说非常方便。

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