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[英]Selecting a default combobox value

When my program loads, my combobox has no default value. 当程序加载时,组合框没有默认值。 I want the first one to be the default value when the program is loaded. 我希望第一个成为程序加载时的默认值。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

using Gtk;
using System;

class SharpApp : Window
    Label label;
    Label label2;
    Label label3;
    Label label4;

    public SharpApp() : base(" VALUTASOFFAN")
        SetDefaultSize(411, 199);

        DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler(OnDelete);

        string[] valutor = new string[] 

        Fixed fix = new Fixed();
        ComboBox cb = new ComboBox(valutor);
        ComboBox cb2 = new ComboBox(valutor);
        Entry entry = new Entry ();
        Entry entry2 = new Entry ();
        cb.Changed += OnChanged;
        cb2.Changed += OnChanged2;
        entry.Changed += onChanged3;
        entry2.Changed += onChanged4;

        ComboBox combo = ComboBox.NewText(); 
        combo.Active = 0
        cb.Active = 0;

        label = new Label("-");
        label2 = new Label("-");
        label3 = new Label("-");
        label4 = new Label("-");

        fix.Put(entry, 100, 30);
        fix.Put(entry2, 100, 100);
        fix.Put(cb, 300, 30);
        fix.Put(cb2, 300, 100);
        //fix.Put(label3, 10, 30);
        //fix.Put(label4, 10, 100);


    void OnChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
        ComboBox cb = (ComboBox) sender;
        label.Text = cb.ActiveText;

    void OnChanged2(object sender2, EventArgs args)
        ComboBox cb2 = (ComboBox) sender2;
        label2.Text = cb2.ActiveText;

    void onChanged3(object sender3, EventArgs args)
        Entry entry = (Entry)sender3;
        label3.Text = entry.Text;

    void onChanged4(object sender4, EventArgs args)
        Entry entry2 = (Entry)sender4;
        label4.Text = entry2.Text;

    public static void Main()
        new SharpApp();

    void OnDelete(object obj, DeleteEventArgs args)

I want the first one to be the default value when the program is loaded. 我希望第一个成为程序加载时的默认值。 How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Base of index of the given items 给定项目的索引基数

yourComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

Base of .ValueMember of the ComboBox ComboBox.ValueMember的基础

 yourComboBox.SelectedValue = 1;

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