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[英]gnuplot plot labelled data

I am new to gnuplot and am having trouble finding the meaning of some of the commands. 我是gnuplot的新手,我很难找到一些命令的含义。 I want to plot a csv file where the rows are data points and the three columns represent the data label, x value and y value respectively. 我想绘制一个csv文件,其中行是数据点,三列分别代表数据标签,x值和y值。 I want the second column on the x axis and the third column on the y axis and the first column to be the label attached to that point. 我希望x轴上的第二列和y轴上的第三列以及第一列作为附加到该点的标签。 Here is the data 这是数据

ACB,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
ASW,  1.0919705, -0.0864042502
CDX,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
CEU, -0.4369415, -0.5184317277
CHB, -0.4686879,  0.7764323199
CHD,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
CHS, -0.4141749,  0.7482543582
CLM, -0.2559306, -0.2535837629
FIN, -0.5004242, -0.2108050200
GBR, -0.4140216, -0.5132990203
GIH,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
IBS, -0.4928541, -0.5812216372
JPT, -0.4821734,  0.7263450301
KHV,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
LWK,  1.4515552, -0.0003996165
MKK,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
MXL, -0.4019733, -0.0484315198
PEL,  0.0000000,  0.0000000000
PUR, -0.2165559, -0.3173440295
TSI, -0.3956957, -0.4549254002   
YRI,  1.5555644, -0.0202297606

I have tried things like 我尝试过类似的东西

plot 'infile' using 2:2 with labels, 'infile' using 1:2

but it reports "Not enough columns for this style". 但它报告“这种风格的列不够”。 I don't really know what the numbers around the colons mean, although I see them everywhere in others' code. 我真的不知道冒号周围的数字是什么意思,虽然我在别人的代码中到处看到它们。

You can do this with the following command: 您可以使用以下命令执行此操作:

set datafile sep ','
plot 'test.dat' u 2:3:1 w labels point offset character 0,character 1 tc rgb "blue"

Part of your confusion is probably gnuplot's shorthand notation for a lot of things. 你的困惑的一部分可能是gnuplot的很多东西的简写符号。 For example, in the command above, u stands for using and w stands for with and tc stands for textcolor . 例如,在上面的命令中, u代表usingw代表withtc代表textcolor In general, gnuplot allows you to shorten a command to the shortest unique sequence of characters that can be used to identify it. 通常,gnuplot允许您将命令缩短为可用于识别它的最短唯一字符序列。 so with can be w , wi , wit and gnuplot will recognize any of them since no other plot specifiers start with w . 所以with可能是wwiwit和gnuplot的将识别任何人,因为没有其他的情节与符开始w

The numbers after the using specifier are columns in your datafile. using指示符后面的数字是数据文件中的列。 So here, the x position of the label is taken from the 2nd column. 所以这里,标签的x位置取自第2列。 The y position is taken from the 3rd column. y位置取自第3列。 And the label text is taken from the 1st column which is where we get the using 2:3:1 . 标签文本取自第1列,即我们using 2:3:1 It's actually a lot more powerful than that (the syntax will allow you to add 2 columns together to derive an x or y position for instance), but explaining all of that should probably be left for another question. 它实际上比它更强大(语法将允许你一起添加2列以获得x或y位置),但解释所有这些应该留给另一个问题。

Since you are using a csv file you should set the separator: 由于您使用的是csv文件,因此应设置分隔符:

set datafile separator ','

Also, I think this is what you're trying to do: 另外,我认为这是你要做的事情:

plot 'infile' using 2:3, 'infile' 2:3:1 with labels offset 1

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