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[英]How to turn off ruby thin server HTTP keep-alive?

Currently I am spawning HTTP server within my program programmatically. 目前,我正在以编程方式在程序中生成HTTP服务器。

srv =   Thin::Server.start('', 3000, app)

And I can't figure out where should I see to change keep-alive time setting. 而且我不知道应该在哪里更改保持活动时间设置。 Because thin server do not die immediately, it bothers me when debugging and developing app. 因为瘦服务器不会立即消失,所以在调试和开发应用程序时会困扰我。 I will turn on the keep-alive for production, but still I want to control the duration. 我将为生产启用“保持活动”,但仍然要控制持续时间。

If you want it not to wait for pending requests to be served, then just call stop! 如果您不希望其等待待处理的请求,则只需致电stop! :

if RAKE_ENV=='production'

Thin source 薄源

    #       Thin::Server.stop! doesn't work immediately if there's live keep-alive connection.
    #       SIGINT doesn't work.
    #       Only SIGKILL works.
    #       But `abort` is a lot quicker way.
    #       Overridden to abort.

    trap("INT") { puts " Force quit by raising intentional crash!" ;abort() }

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