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[英]Python error : X() takes exactly 1 argument (8 given)

I'm trying to bulid an Anonymous FTP scanner , but i got an error about calling function X , i defined X to recieve ony 1 arguement which is the ip address , the same code works if i don't use the loop and send the IPs one by one . 我试图建立一个匿名FTP扫描程序,但我得到一个关于调用函数X的错误,我定义X接收1争论这是IP地址,相同的代码工作,如果我不使用循环并发送知识产权一个接一个。

The error is : X() takes exactly 1 argument (8 given) 错误是:X()只取1个参数(给定8个)

from ftplib import FTP
import ipcalc
from threading import Thread

def X (ip):
        ftp = FTP(ip)
        x = ftp.login()
        if 'ogged' in  str(x):
            print '[+] Bingo ! we got a Anonymous FTP server IP: ' +ip

def main ():
    global ip
    for ip in ipcalc.Network(''):
        ip = str(ip)
        t =  Thread (target = X, args = ip)
main ()

When constructing Thread objects, args should be a sequence of arguments, but you are passing in a string. 构造Thread对象时, args应该是一个参数序列,但是你传入一个字符串。 This causes Python to iterate over the string and treat each character as an argument. 这会导致Python迭代字符串并将每个字符视为参数。

You can use a tuple containing one element: 您可以使用包含一个元素的元组:

t =  Thread (target = X, args = (ip,))

or a list: 或列表:

t =  Thread (target = X, args = [ip])

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