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[英]UINavigationViewController embedded inside a UIViewController Container

I have a nav controller as one of the child view controllers to my custom view controller container. 我有一个导航控制器作为我的自定义视图控制器容器的子视图控制器之一。 There are two view controllers acting as children - the one on the left which is grey and the one on the right which is actually a navcontroller tree loaded from a storyboard which is orange. 有两个充当子级的视图控制器-左边的一个为灰色,而右边的一个实际上是从情节提要中加载的navcontroller树(橙色)。

Shown are images a. 如图所示。 before navigation b. 导航之前b。 after navigation to the next screen and pressing back. 导航到下一个屏幕并按返回。

Why does the location of the button change by itself like that? 为什么按钮的位置会像这样自身发生变化?




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