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如何在Flot Charts中在X轴上绘制日期范围?

[英]How to plot a date range on X-axis in Flot Charts?

I'm using Flot charts to display data for a certain period (to be selected by the user, eg last 30 days, last 7 days, from 1st Jan 2013 to 3rd Mar 2013 etc) 我正在使用Flot图表显示特定时期的数据(由用户选择,例如最近30天,过去7天,从2013年1月1日到2013年3月3日等)

So I want to display a line chart with x-axis as the date. 所以我想显示一个以x轴为日期的折线图。

Eg if I've two days, startDate and endDate how do I make the X-axis display something like: 例如,如果我有两天,startDate和endDate如何使X轴显示如下:

1 Jan 2013 | 2013年1月1日| 2 Jan 2013........................3 Mar 2013 2013年1月2日........................ 2013年3月3日

My code is as follows: The data (currently it's static). 我的代码如下:数据(目前它是静态的)。

var mydata = [
                [1, 2.4],
                [2, 3.4 ],
                [3, 4.5 ],
                [4, 5 ],
                [5,  5],
                [6, 5],
                [7, 2 ],
                [8, 1 ],
                [9, 1.5 ],
                [10, 2.5 ],
                [11,  3.5],
                [12, 4 ],
                [13, 4 ],
                [14, 2.4],
                [15, 3.4 ],
                [16, 4.5 ],
                [17, 5 ],
                [18,  5],
                [19, 5],
                [20, 2 ],
                [21, 1 ],
                [22, 1.5 ],
                [23,  2.5 ],
                [24,   3.5],
                [25,  4 ],
                [26,  4 ],
                [27,  2.5 ],
                [28,   3.5],
                [29,  4 ],
                [30,  4 ],

var plot = $.plot($("#mychart"), [{
                data: mydata,
                label: "Y-axis label"
            }], {
                series: {
                    lines: {
                        show: true
                    points: {
                        show: true
                    shadowSize: 2
                grid: {
                    hoverable: true,
                    clickable: true
                colors: ["#37b7f3", "#d12610", "#52e136"],
                xaxis: {
                     mode: "time", timeformat: "%d/%m/%y", minTickSize: [1, "day"]
                yaxis: {
                    ticks: 11,
                    tickDecimals: 0,
            min:0, max: 5

I realize that I need to make mydata look like [date, value]. 我意识到我需要让mydata看起来像[date,value]。 Will that work? 那会有用吗? I've the data dynamically generated by the server in JSON in 我在JSON中用服务器动态生成数据

[{date, value}, {date, value}...] [{date,value},{date,value} ...]

format. 格式。 Please guide. 请指导。

You will need to change the numbers to UNIX time stamps multiplied by 1000. This is from the API if you search Time Series Data: 您需要将数字更改为UNIX时间戳乘以1000.如果您搜索时间序列数据,则来自API:

The time series support in Flot is based on Javascript timestamps, ie everywhere a time value is expected or handed over, a Javascript timestamp number is used. Flot中的时间序列支持基于Javascript时间戳,即在预期或移交时间值的任何地方,使用Javascript时间戳编号。 This is a number, not a Date object. 这是一个数字,而不是Date对象。 A Javascript timestamp is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. Javascript时间戳是自1970年1月1日00:00:00 UTC以来的毫秒数。 This is almost the same as Unix timestamps, except it's in milliseconds, so remember to multiply by 1000! 这与Unix时间戳几乎相同,只是以毫秒为单位,所以请记住乘以1000!

There is a .Net example in the API: API中有一个.Net示例:

public static int GetJavascriptTimestamp(System.DateTime input)
System.TimeSpan span = new System.TimeSpan(System.DateTime.Parse("1/1/1970").Ticks);
System.DateTime time = input.Subtract(span);
return (long)(time.Ticks / 10000);

Here is an example - http://jsfiddle.net/zxtFc/4/ 这是一个例子 - http://jsfiddle.net/zxtFc/4/

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