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[英]Trying to apply color gradient on histogram in ggplot

I am floundering with colors in ggplot. 我在ggplot中摸索着颜色。 I am trying to apply a color gradient based on the rank column below. 我正在尝试根据下面的等级列应用颜色渐变。 I am pretty sure this is a discrepancy between color and fill or discrete and continuous variables. 我很确定这是颜色和填充或离散和连续变量之间的差异。 I want colors as shown on the scale in "c" and "d" below, but my closest attempts are "e" and "f" where the points are colored but not colored by gradient. 我希望颜色显示在下面的“ c”和“ d”刻度中,但是我最接近的尝试是“ e”和“ f”,其中的点是有色的,而不是渐变色。 The gradient I prefer applies to values of rank 1:100, with all others values' points black. 我更喜欢将渐变应用于等级为1:100的值,所有其他值的点均为黑色。

Any assistance would be most appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。


co2 <- read.table(
  header=TRUE, text='
rank tons
1     2 1.00
2     4 1.00
3     7 0.00
4    44 0.00
5   104 0.00
6    48 0.05
7    32 0.50
8     5 0.00
9    78 1.00
10   12 0.00
11   15 0.00
12  176 1.00
13  440 0.02
14  249 0.00
15  481 0.00
16  388 0.00
17  458 0.05
18  488 0.00
19  264 0.00
20  203 0.00

I tried: 我试过了:

#does not add rank as a color
c<- ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, color=rank)) 
c + geom_dotplot(stackgroups = TRUE, binwidth = .05, binpositions = "all")  +
    scale_colour_gradient(limits=c(1, 500))

#also does not add rank as color
d<- ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, color=rank)) 
d + geom_dotplot(stackgroups = TRUE, binwidth = 0.05, method = "histodot")  + 
    scale_colour_gradient(limits=c(1, 100))

#create breaks for fill-- works correctly but no gradient
co2$brks<- cut(co2$rank, c(seq(0, 100, 20), max(co2$rank)))
e<- ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, fill=brks)) 
e + geom_dotplot(stackgroups = TRUE, binwidth = 0.05, method = "histodot")  

#also works correctly but no gradient
f<- ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, fill=brks)) + geom_histogram() 

I checked these already but I'm still missing something: 我已经检查了这些,但仍然缺少一些东西:

This is a bit of a hacky answer, but it works: 这是一个有点怪异的答案,但它的工作原理是:

##Define breaks
co2$brks<- cut(co2$rank, c(seq(0, 100, 5), max(co2$rank)))
#Create a plot object:
g = ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, fill=brks)) +
   geom_dotplot(stackgroups = TRUE, binwidth = 0.05, method = "histodot")

Now we manually specify the colours to use as a palette: 现在,我们手动指定用作调色板的颜色:

 g + scale_fill_manual(values=colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))( length(co2$brks) ))


I just needed to add 我只需要添加

+ scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdYlBu")

See below: 见下文:


co2 <- read.table(
  header=TRUE, text='
rank tons
1     2 1.00
2     4 1.00
3     7 0.00
4    44 0.00
5   104 0.00
6    48 0.05
7    32 0.50
8     5 0.00
9    78 1.00
10   12 0.00
11   15 0.00
12  176 1.00
13  440 0.02
14  249 0.00
15  481 0.00
16  388 0.00
17  458 0.05
18  488 0.00
19  264 0.00
20  203 0.00

#create breaks for fill--
co2$brks<- cut(co2$rank, c(seq(0, 100, 20), max(co2$rank)))
e<- ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, fill=brks)) 
e + geom_dotplot(stackgroups = TRUE, binwidth = 0.05, method = "histodot")  + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdYlBu")

#also works correctly!
ggplot(data=co2, aes(x = tons, fill=brks)) + geom_histogram() + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdYlBu")

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