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[英]How to calculate the average from XMLDataProvider-data defined in XAML

I'm really new in WPF and I need your help. 我真的是WPF的新手,需要您的帮助。 I've app which allows user check continent and view containing countries. 我有允许用户检查大洲并查看包含国家的应用程序。 Country has two propetries: name and area. 国家有两个特点:名称和地区。 The problem is that I need to show average area of all continent's countries. 问题是我需要显示所有大洲国家的平均面积。 My data model is looks like this: 我的数据模型如下所示:

       <XmlDataProvider x:Key="CountryStoreDataSource" XPath="CountryStore">
                <CountryStore xmlns="">
                    <Continents Continent="Europe">
                        <Countries Country="Italy" Area="300"/>
                        <Countries Country="Iceland" Area="350"/>
                    <Continents Continent="Asia">
                        <Countries Country="China" Area="700"/>
                        <Countries Country="India" Area="650"/>
                    <Continents Continent="Africa">
                        <Countries Country="South Africa" Area="550"/>
                        <Countries Country="Egypt" Area="500"/>

also I have templates to connect listboxes with my data model: 我也有模板来连接列表框和我的数据模型:

            <DataTemplate x:Key="countryItemTemplate">
                <Label Content="{Binding XPath=@Country}"/>
            <DataTemplate x:Key="areaItemTemplate">
                <Label Content="{Binding XPath=@Area}"/>

finally I have the implementations of my listboxes: 最后,我有了列表框的实现:

                ItemsSource="{Binding XPath=Countries}"
                ItemTemplate="{StaticResource countryItemTemplate}"
                Margin="0,0,0,0" />
                ItemsSource="{Binding XPath=Countries}"
                ItemTemplate="{StaticResource areaItemTemplate}"

Actually I don't know how to get my values from listboxes in c# code and is there any way to get values and do something with them in xml? 实际上,我不知道如何从C#代码的列表框中获取值,并且有什么方法可以获取值并在xml中对它们执行某些操作? Thank you. 谢谢。

interesting question! 有趣的问题!

First of all, it seems like the XPaths you are using are not completely correct. 首先,似乎您使用的XPath并不完全正确。 If I understand you correctly, you want to display a ListBox with Countries, a ListBox with Areas and a TextBlock with Avg(areas) . 如果我对您的理解正确,则想显示一个带有国家的ListBox,一个带有Areas的ListBox和一个带有Avg(areas)的TextBlock。

First, let's simplify the XPath Binding. 首先,让我们简化XPath绑定。 You should update the XPath on your XmlDataSource so that you just get a list of Countries, independent of Continent: 您应该在XmlDataSource上更新XPath,以便仅获得独立于大陆的国家列表:

    <XmlDataProvider x:Key="CountryStoreDataSource" XPath="/CountryStore/Continents/Countries">
            <CountryStore xmlns="">
                <Continents Continent="Europe">
                    <Countries Country="Italy" Area="300"/>
                    <Countries Country="Iceland" Area="350"/>
                <Continents Continent="Asia">
                    <Countries Country="China" Area="700"/>
                    <Countries Country="India" Area="650"/>
                <Continents Continent="Africa">
                    <Countries Country="South Africa" Area="550"/>
                    <Countries Country="Egypt" Area="500"/>

Then, set the DataContext of the Grid: 然后,设置网格的DataContext:

<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource CountryStoreDataSource}"  ../>

After that, both bindings of the ListBoxes can be updated to the following: ItemsSource="{Binding}" . 之后,可以将ListBoxes的两个绑定更新为以下内容: ItemsSource="{Binding}"

Now, back to the question: show the average of the Areas. 现在,回到问题所在:显示平均面积。 For this, you need to bind to the same list and apply a converter to do the calculation. 为此,您需要绑定到相同的列表并应用转换器进行计算。
First, let's create the Converter, which simply parses the list and calculates the average with LINQ: 首先,让我们创建Converter,它简单地解析列表并使用LINQ计算平均值:

public class AreaConverter : MarkupExtension, IValueConverter
    public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        return this;

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null) return 0;

        //you can do this in one line, but I split it for clarity.
        var xml = value as IEnumerable<XmlNode>;
        var areas = xml.Select(x => x.Attributes["Area"].Value);
        var avg = areas.Average(a => int.Parse(a));

        return avg;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotSupportException();

After that, you can create the TextBlock to hold this value with this Binding: 之后,您可以创建TextBlock来使用此Binding来保存此值:

 <TextBlock Text="{Binding Converter={local:AreaConverter}}" />

Now the TextBlock should display the Average! 现在,TextBlock应该显示平均值!

TIP : to test your given XPaths, you can use Notepad++ with the XML Tools plugin, which provides a Evaluate XPath Expression tool 提示 :要测试给定的XPath,可以将Notepad ++与XML Tools插件一起使用,该插件提供了一个Evaluate XPath Expression工具。

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