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[英]Supposedly Simple Python Homework

I have a CompSci problem (optional), don't worry, you are not doing my homework :) I am having a rather impossible time understanding this question, as this is all I have to go on. 我有一个CompSci问题(可选),请不要担心,您没有在做作业:)我现在很难理解这个问题,因为这是我要做的全部事情。 It is in regards to a rather elementary understanding of python. 它是关于python的基本知识。

I have to create a function that satisfies this requirement. 我必须创建一个满足此要求的函数。 I have no idea why there is a 6 in the problem or what it signifies. 我不知道为什么问题中有6或它代表什么。

"Returns a pair of integers 'root' and 'pwr' st 0 < pwr < 6 and root**pwr = user input. If no pairs of integers satisfy these conditions, the function will notify the user." “返回一对整数'root'和'pwr'st 0 <pwr <6并且root ** pwr =用户输入。如果没有整数对满足这些条件,该函数将通知用户。”

Like I said, it's optional, so rather than just get the answer I am hoping for an explanation. 就像我说的那样,它是可选的,因此不仅仅是获得我希望得到解释的答案。 Thanks you guys! 谢谢你们!

You're looking for a value, given a specific root, and a power between 0 and 6 exclusive, that is equivalent to a user's input. 您正在寻找一个给定值的值,该值具有特定的根,并且在0到6之间的幂(独占)等于用户的输入。 An example of that would be an input of 4 == 2**2, hence you'd probably output (2, 2) . 例如,输入4 == 2 ** 2,因此您可能会输出(2, 2)

There doesn't appear to be any bounds on root . root似乎没有任何界限。

This is how I read it: 这是我的阅读方式:

  1. Create a function that accepts a number as an argument (I'm assuming an integer, but that's not clear) 创建一个接受数字作为参数的函数(我假设一个整数,但是不清楚)

  2. find the nth root of that number, where n is one of 1,2,3,4 or 5. Return n and the root. 找到该数字的第n个根,其中n是1,2,3,4或5之一。返回n和根。

  3. if you can't find a suitable root, display an error. 如果找不到合适的根,则显示错误。

To get you started: 为了帮助您入门:

0 < pwr < 6

… is equivalent to: ……相当于:

(0 < pwr) and (pwr < 6)

This 0 < pwr < 6 notation is pretty common in mathematics, and in a few programming languages (including Python). 这个0 < pwr < 6表示法在数学和一些编程语言(包括Python)中非常普遍。 See Chained notation at Wikipedia for details. 有关详细信息,请参见Wikipedia的链接符号

So, for each such power, try to find a root such that root**pwr is the user's input value. 因此,对于每种这样的能力,请尝试找到一个root ,使root**pwr是用户的输入值。

There's a quick way to do this using math.log , but if you don't know what logarithms are, don't worry about that. 有一种使用math.log进行此操作的快速方法,但是如果您不知道对数是什么,请不必担心。 Instead, you can just try every possible root . 相反,您可以尝试所有可能的root If any root is too big, then all larger root s will also be too big. 如果任何root都太大,那么所有更大的root也将太大。

Except for one problem: What if user_input is negative? 除了一个问题:如果user_input为负怎么办? So, you'll need to find a way to count all positive and negative numbers, until you find one where the absolute value is too big. 因此,您需要找到一种方法来计算所有正数和负数 ,直到找到绝对值太大的数为止。

So, a brief sketch in pseudocode: 因此,用伪代码简要概述一下:

def find_root_pwr(user_input):
    for every pwr such that 0 < pwr < 6:
        for every possible root:
            test_value = root**pwr
            if it's a match:
                return root, pwr
            elif abs(test_value) is too big:
                break # don't need to check larger roots
        # We tried all 5 powers, and no match
        raise ValueError('No answer for {}'.format(user_input))

And to test it: 并对其进行测试:

user_input = int(input()) # raw_input if you're on Python 2.x
root, pwr = find_root_pwr(user_input)
print('{} ** {} = {}'.format(root, pwr, user_input))

See range and itertools.count for hints on how to write the loops. 有关如何编写循环的提示,请参见rangeitertools.count You should be able to fill in the details from here, or at least get far enough to have a more specific followup question. 您应该可以在此处填写详细信息,或者至少可以足够详细地提出更具体的后续问题。

Other answers provided the explanation for the problem description. 其他答案为问题描述提供了解释。 Here's a possible solution for positive input: 这是正输入的可能解决方案:

def find_root_power(n, minpower, maxpower):
    for pwr in range(minpower, maxpower + 1):  # minpower <= pwr <= maxpower
        # find root such that root**pwr == n
        f = n ** (1. / pwr)  # float
        root = int(f + 0.5)  # int (per problem statement)
        if root**pwr == n:
           yield root, pwr # multiple solutions are possible

n = int(raw_input("Input a number:"))
for root, pwr in find_root_power(n, minpower=1, maxpower=5):
    print("root: %d pwr: %d" % (root, pwr))

For example, if the user input is 81 ; 例如, 如果用户输入为81 the output is : 输出为

root: 81 pwr: 1
root: 9 pwr: 2
root: 3 pwr: 4

Note: root=n , pwr=1 is always a solution if n is an integer. 注意:如果n为整数,则root=npwr=1始终是一个解决方案。 If user input is not an integer then the code raises ValueError (given the problem description; root**pwr may only be an integer so no solution exists for non-integer input). 如果用户输入不是整数,则代码将引发ValueError (给出问题描述; root**pwr可能仅是整数,因此对于非整数输入不存在任何解决方案)。

Note: if root ** pwr == n then also (-root) ** pwr == n for even pwr . 注意:如果root ** pwr == n那么偶数pwr(-root) ** pwr == n You could add: 您可以添加:

  if root**pwr == n:
      yield root, pwr # multiple solutions are possible
      if pwr % 2 == 0: # even
          yield -root, pwr

to include negative root as a solution. 包括负根作为解决方案。

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