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[英]Returning to Activity after a specified period of time

I would like to return to specified Activity from each other Activity after specified period of idle time. 我想在指定的空闲时间后从其他Activity返回指定的Activity What should I use: Service , AlarmManager or maybe something else? 我应该使用什么: ServiceAlarmManager或其他什么?

If you just want this to work only for your activities (not from background etc.) just use TimerTask in every activity of yours (well, in a superclass to avoid duplication). 如果你只是想让它只适用于你的活动(不是来自后台等),那么只需在你的每个活动中使用TimerTask (好吧,在超类中避免重复)。 There's no point in putting up a Service for that. 为此提供服务毫无意义。

使用Pending Intent,请参阅此链接... http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/PendingIntent.html

Instead of using a service, or alarmmanager, you can use timertask, or i would suggest handler. 您可以使用timertask,或者我建议处理程序,而不是使用服务或警报管理器。 Handler.postdelayed. Handler.postdelayed。 Its a better option. 这是一个更好的选择。

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