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[英]Out generic parameters with types only known at runtime

I have an interface: 我有一个界面:

public interface IOut<T>
    void Get(out T output);

and a class that implements it: 以及实现它的类:

public class Impl : IOut<string>, IOut<int>{
    public void Get(out string output) { output = "string"; }
    public void Get(out int output) { output = 12; }

I can do the following just fine: 我可以做到以下几点:

public static void Main()
    dynamic dImpl = new Impl();

    string sOutput;
    int iOutput;

    dImpl.Get(out sOutput);
    dImpl.Get(out iOutput);


My problem is that I only know the type I need to get at runtime, so how I want to call my Get code is like so: 我的问题是我只知道我需要在运行时获得的类型,所以我如何调用我的Get代码是这样的:

public static void Main()
    dynamic dImpl = new Impl();

    var t = typeof(string);
    t output;
    dImpl.Get(out output);


Now, I know this won't work, and I've tried reflectively performing a Cast: 现在,我知道这是不行的,我尝试了沉思执行主演:

public static T Cast<T>(object o) { return (T) o; }

but I don't have an object to cast, I only have a Type . 但我没有投射的对象,我只有一个Type I've tried Defaults: 我试过默认值:

public static T Default<T>() { return default(T); }

but the default for things like string etc is null, and when invoking the method via reflection: 但是string等的默认值为null,并且在通过反射调用方法时:

var method = typeof(Program).GetMethod("Default").MakeGenericMethod(typeof(string));
var defaulted = method.Invoke(null, null);

defaulted is going to be null, and when calling dImpl.Get(out defaulted) the runtime is unsure of which overload to use. defaulted值为null,并且在调用dImpl.Get(out defaulted) ,运行时不确定要使用哪个重载。

So, what I'm looking for is either: a) someway to do this using the current interface setup [preferred] b) a different way to achieve the goals 所以,我正在寻找的是:a)使用当前的界面设置来做某事[首选] b)实现目标的不同方式

You can get the method to invoke from the interface type instead of the implementing type: 您可以从接口类型而不是实现类型获取调用方法:

object[] parameters = new object[] { null };
Type typeParam = typeof(string);
Type ifaceType = typeof(IOut<>).MakeGenericType(typeParam);
MethodInfo method = ifaceType.GetMethod("Get");

var impl = new Impl();
method.Invoke(impl, parameters);

object outParam = parameters[0];

If you don't know the type of output until runtime, you can't declare a strongly-typed instance of it in C#. 如果在运行时之前不知道output的类型,则不能在C#中声明它的强类型实例。

If you can make the calling logic ( Main in your example ) generic on T too, that would work - but this only defers your problem. 如果你也可以在T上使调用逻辑(在你的例子中为Main )通用,那就行了 - 但这只会延迟你的问题。

The other option is to declare output as a base class or interface and restrict the generic T to that. 另一种选择是将output声明为基类或接口,并将泛型T限制为该类。 Using object as the base class might work for you - depends on what you want to do with it. 使用object作为基类可能对你有用 - 取决于你想用它做什么。


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