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[英]change selected value of dynamically generated dropdown list

I have a dynamic drop down list generated in a JSP page as follow: 我在JSP页面中生成了一个动态下拉列表,如下所示:

<table BORDER=4 BORDERCOLOR=ORANGE width="300px">
        <td><select name="model" id="model">
            <c:forEach items="${model_list}" var="item">
                <option value="${item.modelId}">${item.modelName}</option>

I just want to change the selected value of these drop down based on another value that I get from here: 我只想根据我从这里获得的另一个值来更改这些下拉列表的选定值:

<table BORDER=4 BORDERCOLOR=ORANGE width="120px" id="product_table">
<c:forEach items="${product_list}" var="car">
        <td><INPUT type="checkbox" name="chk_group" value="${car.carId}" /></td>
        <td><c:out value="${car.carId}" /></td>
        <td><c:out value="${car.model.modelName}" /></td>
        <td><c:out value="${car.model.modelId}" /></td>


And here's the script: 这是脚本:

function findRowNumber() {
    var rowIdx;
    var rowData = new Array();
    var table = document.getElementById('product_table');
    var rows = table.getElementsByTagName('tr');
    var selectedRow;
    for ( var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
        rows[i].onclick = function() {
            rowIdx = this.rowIndex;
            selectedRow = rows[rowIdx];
            document.getElementById('model').value = selectedRow.cells[3].innerHTML;


Note: selectedRow.cells[3].innerHTML returns 3 but the value doesn't change. 注意: selectedRow.cells[3].innerHTML返回3但值不会改变。

I don't see anything in your HTML with an id of model . 我在HTML中看不到任何带有model ID的内容。 Did you mean for the input with a name of model to also have that as an id? 您是否将具有model 名称的输入也称为id?

I also notice there is no ending </tr> in your second table. 我还注意到你的第二张表中没有结尾</tr>

Don't use var rowData = new Array(); 不要使用var rowData = new Array(); use literal notation: var rowData = []; 使用文字表示法: var rowData = []; .

After adding on the id, adding a couple <tr> s, it worked for me fine: 在添加了id之后,添加了几个<tr> ,它对我很有用:

http://jsfiddle.net/FJfZK/ http://jsfiddle.net/FJfZK/

Note, that your rendered HTML output is much more helpful when debugging a JavaScript issue. 请注意,调试JavaScript的一个问题,当你渲染HTML输出更加有用。 We generally don't care what your server is doing, when it is a DOM manipulation issue. 当它是DOM操作问题时,我们通常不关心您的服务器正在做什么。

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