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[英]Parse Push Notification iOS

I had the Push thing done over with at Parse.com (It was working and all) and then I was asked to create an account on parse for the company and set them up so they can manage it on their own. 我在Parse.com上完成了Push 事务 (它一直都在工作),然后被要求为公司创建一个parse帐户,并对其进行设置,以便他们可以自己管理它。 Well, not realizing that there was a Export button on the website, I deleted the app on my account and created an account for them and added the app to their account. 好吧,我没有意识到网站上有一个“导出”按钮,所以删除了我帐户中的应用程序并为其创建了一个帐户,然后将该应用程序添加到了他们的帐户中。 I added all of the correct Certs and updated the App and Client keys and it wouldn't send it,and On the Push Notifications tab, it will show that i have recipients (My test Devices) but when I hit send, it will say Done, but nothing will appear on my device. 我添加了所有正确的证书并更新了App和Client密钥,它不会发送,并且在“推送通知”选项卡上,它将显示我有收件人(我的测试设备),但是当我单击send时,它将说完成,但是我的设备上什么也不会出现。 So, being not too smart, I deleted that app and recreated it on my account (Thinking there might be something wrong with the other account). 因此,由于不太聪明,我删除了该应用,然后在我的帐户上重新创建了该应用(认为其他帐户可能有问题)。 Well now it won't even work on my account. 好吧,现在我什至无法使用它。 I have created all new certs and everything and i can't figure out why it is not working.And again, On the Push Notifications tab, it will show that i have recipients (My test Devices) but when I hit send, it will say Done, but nothing will appear on my device. 我已经创建了所有新证书以及所有内容,但我不知道为什么它不起作用。再次,在“推送通知”选项卡上,它将显示我有收件人(我的测试设备),但是当我单击“发送”时,它将说完成,但是我的设备上什么也不会出现。 Help? 救命?

My thought about what it might be is that the device is remembering the APNS Permission from the old account, Could I be Right? 我的想法可能是该设备正在记住旧帐户中的APNS权限,我可以吗?

I ran into this a while back. 我前一段时间碰到了这个。 For me it was the difference between developer builds and release builds. 对我而言,这是开发人员版本与发行版本之间的区别。 You'll see in Apple's provisioning portal that there are 2 push certificates you can set up for your app. 您会在Apple的配置门户中看到可以为您的应用设置2个推送证书。 One is for production release and the other is for developer testing. 一个用于生产发布,另一个用于开发人员测试。 When you build your app for testing it automatically looks for the developer cert. 在构建用于测试的应用程序时,它会自动寻找开发人员证书。 When you do a release build it looks for the release cert. 执行发行版本时,它会寻找发行证书。

So... Make sure you have uploaded the correct push certificate to Parse. 所以...确保您已将正确的推送证书上载到Parse。 In my case Parse would say that messages had been sent to devices but I never saw them come through because Parse was sending them to Apple with a certificate that did not match my particular build type. 在我的情况下,Parse会说消息已发送到设备,但我从未看到过消息通过,因为Parse使用不符合我的特定构建类型的证书将消息发送到Apple。

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