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Express / Node.js - 使用数据呈现页面

[英]Express / Node.js - Render page with data

I have a list of Teams displayed as a list of links on my page, at the moment, I have a textbox....when the link for that Team is clicked, the Key for that Team is taken and sent to the /team/:key route, it searches for the Team by Key , gets the data and sends the data back. 我有一个列表Teams显示为我的网页上链接的列表,在那一刻,我有一个文本框....的链接,当Team被点击, Key针对Team采取并送到/team/:key路线,它将搜索TeamKey ,获取数据,并将数据发送回。 If the data was successfully sent back to the JS file then the Team name is output to the textbox. 如果数据已成功发送回JS文件,则Team名称将输出到文本框。

I want to change this, when the link is clicked and the data has been retrieved using Team.findByKey I want to render a new page ('teamDetails') and pass it the data for that Team . 我想改变这一点,当点击链接并使用Team.findByKey检索数据时,我想渲染一个新页面('teamDetails')并将该数据传递给该Team This way I can make it so that each link for a Team links to the Team's individual page with their full details on it. 这样我可以把它使每个环节的Team链接到Team's个人页面与他们的它的全部细节。

Any idea how I would adapt this /team/:key route to do this? 我知道如何调整这个/team/:key路线来做到这一点?

JS file

// Setup teamsLink to retrieve Team info for whichever Team was clicked
Team.initTeamsLink = function(){
  $("a.teamLink").live("click", function(e){
    var teamId = ($(this)[0]).getAttribute('id');

    $.get('/team/'+teamId, function(response){
      if(response.retStatus === 'success'){
        var teamData = response.teamData;
      } else if(response.retStatus === 'failure'){



  app.get('/team/:key', function(req, res) {
    util.log('Serving request for url [GET] ' + req.route.path);
    Team.findByKey(req.params.key, function(err, teamData){
      if(!err && teamData){
        teamData = teamData;
          'retStatus' : 'success',
          'teamData' : teamData
      } else {
        util.log('Error in fetching Team by key : ' + req.params.key);
          'retStatus' : 'failure',
          'msg' : 'Error in fetching Team by key ' + req.params.key

Use handlebars templates - http://handlebarsjs.com/ 使用车把模板 - http://handlebarsjs.com/

npm install handlebars
npm install hbs

Coffe-script: 咖啡脚本:

hbs = require 'hbs'

app.set 'views', __dirname + '/app/views' #folder with your views
app.set 'view engine', 'hbs'
app.use express.bodyParser()
app.use express.methodOverride()

In the router: 在路由器中:

res.render 'index', {title: 'index'} #view name and context

Instead of res.json() , you could use a templating engine which would render the individual team's page. 您可以使用模板引擎代替res.json() ,该引擎将呈现单个团队的页面。 Say you want to use EJS templates: 假设您要使用EJS模板:

npm install ejs

Next, create views/team.ejs , which would contain the EJS template for the team. 接下来,创建views/team.ejs ,其中包含团队的EJS模板。 In your route, replace res.json() with a call to the templating engine: 在您的路线中,将res.json()替换为对模板引擎的调用:

res.render('team.ejs', { 'teamData' : teamData });

EDIT : just read your comment about using Jade templates: the code is very similar, just replace team.ejs with teamDetails.jade . 编辑 :只是阅读你关于使用Jade模板的评论:代码非常相似,只需用team.ejs替换teamDetails.jade

Also, you probably can remove your client-side code which handles click events on the links, since you don't want to perform an AJAX request anymore. 此外,您可能可以删除处理链接上的单击事件的客户端代码,因为您不再需要执行AJAX请求。

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