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[英]Add Facebook Photo Album to iOS6?

I'm very much out of it. 我非常不满意。 I looked into Facebook Developer and it didn't have what I am looking for. 我调查了Facebook Developer,但没有我想要的东西。 I am making an iOS and Android app for a VBS program. 我正在为VBS程序制作iOS和Android应用程序。 I was wanting to add their official Facebook Photo Album to the app so when the user has wifi, they can view it after tapping a UITableView Cell. 我想将他们的官方Facebook相册添加到该应用中,以便当用户使用wifi时,他们可以在点击UITableView Cell后查看它。

I need advice on where to start. 我需要从哪里开始的建议。 Is there a tutorial I have overlooked on Google that will show me what I need? 有没有我在Google上忽略的教程,可以告诉我我需要什么? I use App Inventor for Android. 我使用适用于Android的App Inventor。 I use Xcode for iOS devices. 我将Xcode用于iOS设备。

What I was wanting to do for this app is simple: Give people access of the Facebook Album for this event... it saves me space and makes it more pleasing to them. 我想要为此应用做的事情很简单:为人们提供此活动的Facebook相册访问权限……它可以节省我的空间,并使他们更满意。 They cannot touch/modify anything in the album. 他们无法触摸/修改相册中的任何内容。

Danke! 丹科 -TG52 -TG52

You can get a user or pages albums by the Graph API endpoint PAGE_OR_USER_ID/albums . 您可以通过Graph API端点PAGE_OR_USER_ID/albums获取用户或专页PAGE_OR_USER_ID/albums Once you know what the album ID is, you can simply call ALBUM_ID/photos . 知道相册ID是什么之后,您只需调用ALBUM_ID/photos This will return numerous photo objects, each with a picture and source properties. 这将返回许多photo对象,每个对象都具有picturesource属性。 Play around in the API Explorer to learn how the responses are formatted. API Explorer中播放,以了解响应的格式。

From here, you'll have the url and height and width of each photo. 在这里,您将获得每张照片的网址,高度和宽度。 Build your UIView as you see fit. 视需要构建UIView。

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