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[英]While does it go through the while loop twice

I have trying parse a text file called FileName that looks like: 我试图解析一个名为FileName的文本文件,如下所示:

KD JD 6s 5s 3c // no rank (king high)
AH Ks Js AD Ac // three of a kind

Now I wanna store them into a vector (everything before "//"). 现在,我想将它们存储到向量中(“ //”之前的所有内容)。

int FileParsing(vector<Card> & v, char * FileName) {
    ifstream ifs;
    if (!ifs.is_open()){
        cout << "file cannot be opened." << endl;
    } else {        
        string line;                    
        while(getline(ifs, line)){
            istringstream iss (line); 
            bool condition = CountWords(line); //dont worry about this method   
            ReadCardDefinitionStrings (condition, line, v);
    return 0;

void ReadCardDefinitionStrings (bool condition, string line, vector<Card> & v){
    istringstream iss (line);   
    string CardDefinitionStrings;   //e.g. 2C, 3h, 7s, Kh
    if (condition) {
            if (CardDefinitionStrings == "//"){ //stop reading after it sees "//"
            Card c = TestCard(CardDefinitionStrings);

The problem I am getting is: when it sees "//" after 3c, it goes back to 我得到的问题是:当3c之后看到“ //”时,它返回

    while(getline(ifs, line)){
        istringstream iss (line); 
        bool condition = CountWords(line);  
        ReadCardDefinitionStrings (condition, line, v);

But this time, line is empty (I wanted it to be: AH Ks Js AD Ac // three of a kind), which means this loop runs one time without doing anything. 但是这一次,行是空的(我希望它是:AH Ks Js AD Ac //三种),这意味着此循环运行了一次却没有执行任何操作。 And the next run, line would be equal to AH Ks Js AD Ac // three of a kind. 在下一次运行中,线将等于AH Ks Js AD Ac //三种。 Any idea why this happens? 知道为什么会这样吗?

I think you forgot to put a lot of code up (card definitions and the like). 我认为您忘了编写很多代码(卡定义等)。 And, from what I could tell, you had a couple of redundant definitions in some places. 而且,据我所知,您在某些地方有两个多余的定义。

However, I've implemented what you want (the ability to parse a text file called FileName that looks like): 但是,我已经实现了您想要的(解析名为FileName的文本文件的功能):

KD JD 6s 5s 3c // no rank (king high)
AH Ks Js AD Ac // three of a kind

Assuming the input filestream has been initialized with the Filename: 假设输入文件流已使用文件名初始化:

ifstream ifs(FileName);

if (!ifs.is_open()) {
    cout << "file cannot be opened." << endl;
else {
    string line;

    //getline reads up until the newline character
    //but you want the characters up to "//"
    while(std::getline(ifs, line)) {

        //line has been read, now get rid of the "//"
        string substr = line.substr(0,line.find("//"));

        //assign the substr to an input stringstream
        istringstream iss(substr);

        //this will hold your card
            //NOTE: Since I don't have your implementation of Card, I put it as a string instead for demonstration purposes
        string card;

        //keep reading until you've read all the cards in the substring (from line)
        while (iss >> card) {
            v.push_back(card);//store the card in the vector
            cout << card << endl;//now output it to verify that the cards were read properly

        cout << endl;//this is just for spacing - so it'll help us distinguish cards from different lines (in the output)

Output: 输出:



Which is what you want. 你想要哪一个。 ;) ;)

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