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[英]How to use code in firefox console and get information about fired event in extjs4?

I am working in extjs4. 我在extjs4工作。 Here I want to stuck at a point where I want to get information of event which is fired on a component of extjs4.i am using this link but I am not succeed. 在这里,我想停留在一个点,我想获取在extjs4.i组件上使用此链接触发的事件的信息,但我没有成功。

http://loianegroner.com/2009/11/ext-js-which-events-are-fired-by-a-component/ http://loianegroner.com/2009/11/ext-js-which-events-are-fired-by-a-component/

i am using this code in firefox firebug command line...but not get any event when particular action get fired on a component.I dont know how to use it.Please give me some guideline... 我在firefox firebug命令行中使用此代码...但是当特定操作在组件上被触发时没有得到任何事件。我不知道如何使用它。请给我一些指导...

Here is the code I am going to use it in firebug console command 这是我将在firebug console命令中使用它的代码

Ext.util.Observable.capture(Ext.getCmp('loginId'), console.info); 

I dont know how to use it and get succeed..please give me some advise.. 我不知道如何使用它并获得成功..请给我一些建议..

here Is the screen shot of firebug how I am using. 这是我使用的firebug屏幕截图。 萤火虫控制台 Please tell me is it correct or wrong. 请告诉我这是对还是错。

Please tell me how to use it... 请告诉我如何使用它...

I don't know Ext much... 我不知道很多......

But from what I can see, you cannot see what console.info logs simply because you filter the logs on Cookies. 但是从我所看到的情况来看,你无法看到console.info只是简单地记录了什么,因为你过滤了Cookies上的日志。


To see what logs console.info, I recommend you to select the "All" filter as below, which is the option by default: 要查看console.info的日志,我建议您选择“全部”过滤器,如下所示:默认情况下,该选项为:


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