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遍历字符串并替换特定值? Java脚本

[英]loop through a string and replace specific values? Javascript

So I'm writing an online mad lib application in html5/javascript, and as of now I personally removed the words I want the user to replace, and injected their value. 因此,我正在用html5 / javascript编写一个在线mad lib应用程序,到目前为止,我个人删除了我希望用户替换的单词,并注入了它们的价值。 I want to get the program to loop through a string(the story) and replace the words I have chosen in every case in an array,with the words they have input. 我想让程序遍历字符串(故事),并用输入的单词替换在每种情况下我在数组中选择的单词。 As an example if i want Noun1 to be the word "hill" and the word they input for Noun1 was "ferret" then every time the story would say "hill" it will be replaced with the word "ferret". 例如,如果我希望Noun1成为单词“ hill”,而他们为Noun1输入的单词是“ ferret”,那么每次故事说“ hill”时,它将被单词“ ferret”代替。 Would using a string and an array be the best course of action or is there a better way? 使用字符串和数组是最好的方法,还是有更好的方法? and would you mind showing me how to loop through a string in java-script and how to replace values? 您介意向我展示如何在Java脚本中循环访问字符串以及如何替换值吗?

This is what I currently have. 这就是我目前所拥有的。

 function makeML(){
   //get variables from form
   var firstNoun = window.document.myForm.txtfirstNoun.value;
   var secondNoun = document.myForm.txtsecondNoun.value;
   var firstVerb = document.myForm.txtfirstVerb.value;
   var thirdNoun = document.myForm.txtthirdNoun.value;
   var fourthNoun = document.myForm.txtfourthNoun.value;
   var secondVerb = document.myForm.txtsecondVerb.value;
   var firstBody = document.myForm.txtfirstBody.value;
   var story = "";
   story = "Hansel and Gretel sat by the " ;
   story += firstNoun;
   story += ". and when noon came, each ate a little piece of ";
   story += secondNoun;
   story += ", and as they heard the  ";
   story += firstVerb;
   story += " of the wood-axe, they believed that their father was near. It was not the  axe; however, but a ";
   story += thirdNoun;
   story += " which he had fastened to a ";
   story += fourthNoun;
   story += " which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards. And as they had been ";
   story +=  secondVerb; 
   story += " such a long time, their ";
   story +=  firstBody; 
   story += " closed with fatigue, and they fell fast asleep." 

   story += "!\"  \nThe End.... or is it."

   document.myForm.txtStory.value = story;

I have bit more, but it is unnecessary to show, unless you guys need it for whatever reason ill update. 我还有更多,但没有必要显示,除非你们出于任何原因需要更新。

To replace values in the JavaScript string, you can use .replace() method. 要替换JavaScript字符串中的值,可以使用.replace()方法。 It gets two arguments - the regular expression or string to find matches, and new string to replace the matches. 它有两个参数-用于查找匹配项的正则表达式或字符串,以及用于替换匹配项的新字符串。 More detailed, you can read at http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_replace.asp . 更详细的信息,您可以在http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_replace.asp上阅读。 But as for me, this way is much better to be used with big texts where same key substring (Noun1 , for example), happens a lot. 但是对我来说,这种方法最好用于大文本,而大文本经常出现相同的键子字符串(例如Noun1)。

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