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jQuery如何在其$ .ajax方法中执行async:false?

[英]How does jQuery do async:false in its $.ajax method?

I have a similar question here , but I thought I'd ask it a different way to cast a wider net. 我在这里也有类似的问题 ,但我想我会问它以不同的方式来扩大范围。 I haven't come across a workable solution yet (that I know of). 我还没有遇到可行的解决方案(据我所知)。

I'd like for XCode to issue a JavaScript command and get a return value back from an executeSql callback. 我想让XCode发出JavaScript命令并从executeSql回调中获取返回值。

From the research that I've been reading, I can't issue a synchronous executeSql command. 根据我一直在阅读的研究,我无法发出同步executeSql命令。 The closest I came was trying to Spin Lock until I got the callback. 我最接近的是尝试旋转锁,直到获得回调。 But that hasn't worked yet either. 但这还没有奏效。 Maybe my spinning isn't giving the callback chance to come back (See code below). 也许我的旋转没有给回调机会返回(请参见下面的代码)。

Q: How can jQuery have an async=false argument when it comes to Ajax? 问:关于Ajax,jQuery如何具有async = false参数? Is there something different about XHR than there is about the executeSql command? XHR与executeSql命令有什么不同吗?

Here is my proof-of-concept so far: (Please don't laugh) 到目前为止,这是我的概念证明:(请不要笑)

// First define any dom elements that are referenced more than once.
var dom = {};
dom.TestID = $('#TestID'); // <input id="TestID">
dom.msg = $('#msg'); // <div id="msg"></div>

window.dbo = openDatabase('POC','1.0','Proof-Of-Concept', 1024*1024); // 1MB

!function($, window, undefined) {
    var Variables = {}; // Variables that are to be passed from one function to another.

    Variables.Ready = new $.Deferred();
    Variables.DropTableDeferred = new $.Deferred();
    Variables.CreateTableDeferred = new $.Deferred();
    window.dbo.transaction(function(myTrans) {
            'drop table Test;',
            // ,WebSqlError
    $.when(Variables.DropTableDeferred).done(function() {
        window.dbo.transaction(function(myTrans) {
                'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Test' 
                + '(TestID Integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY'
                + ',TestSort Int'
                + ');',

    $.when(Variables.CreateTableDeferred).done(function() {
        for (var i=0;i < 10;i++) {
        function myFunction(i) {
            window.dbo.transaction(function(myTrans) {
                    'INSERT INTO Test(TestID,TestSort) VALUES(?,?)',
                    ,function() {}
    $.when(Variables.Ready).done(function() {
}(jQuery, window);

!function($, window, undefined) {
    var Variables = {};

    $(document).on('click','#Save',function() {
        var local = {};
        local.result = barcode.Scan(dom.TestID.val());

    var mySuccess = function(transaction, argument) {
        var local = {};

        for (local.i=0; local.i < argument.rows.length; local.i++) {
            local.qry = argument.rows.item(local.i);
            Variables.result = local.qry.TestSort;
        Variables.Return = true;
    var myError = function(transaction, argument) {
        Variables.result = '';
        Variables.Return = true;

    var barcode = {};
    barcode.Scan = function(argument) {
        var local = {};

        Variables.result = '';
        Variables.Return = false;
        window.dbo.transaction(function(myTrans) {
                 'SELECT * FROM Test WHERE TestID=?'
        for (local.I = 0;local.I < 3; local.I++) { // Try a bunch of times.
            if (Variables.Return) break; // Gets set in mySuccess and myError
        return Variables.result;

    var SpinLock = function(milliseconds) {
        var local = {};
        local.StartTime = Date.now();
        do  {
        } while (Date.now() < local.StartTime + milliseconds);

    function WebSqlError(tx,result) {
        if (dom.msg.text()) {

}(jQuery, window);

Is there something different about XHR than there is about the executeSql command? XHR与executeSql命令有什么不同吗?

Kind of. 的种类。

How can jQuery have an async=false argument when it comes to Ajax? 关于Ajax,jQuery如何具有async = false参数?

Ajax, or rather XMLHttpRequest , isn't strictly limited to being asynchronous -- though, as the original acronym suggested, it is preferred. Ajax或XMLHttpRequest并不严格限于异步-尽管,正如最初的缩写所建议的那样,它是首选。

jQuery.ajax() 's async option is tied to the boolean async argument of xhr.open() : jQuery.ajax()async选项绑定到xhr.open()boolean async参数:

void open(
   DOMString method,
   DOMString url,
   optional boolean async,    // <---
   optional DOMString user,
   optional DOMString password

The Web SQL Database spec does also define a Synchronous database API . Web SQL数据库规范还定义了一个同步数据库API However, it's only available to implementations of the WorkerUtils interface, defined primarily for Web Workers : 但是,它仅适用于主要为Web Workers定义的WorkerUtils接口的实现:

window.dbo = openDatabaseSync('POC','1.0','Proof-Of-Concept', 1024*1024);

var results;
window.dbo.transaction(function (trans) {
    results = trans.executeSql('...');

If the environment running the script hasn't implemented this interface, then you're stuck with the asynchronous API and return ing the result will not be feasible. 如果运行脚本的环境尚未实现此接口,则您将陷入异步API的困境,并且return结果将不可行。 You can't force blocking/waiting of asynchronous tasks for the reason you suspected: 由于以下原因,您不能强制阻止/等待异步任务:

Maybe my spinning isn't giving the callback chance to come back (See code below). 也许我的旋转没有给回调机会返回(请参见下面的代码)。

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