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[英]javascript parent of parent

In javascript is there an easy way to target the parent of a parent? 在javascript中是否有一种简单的方法来定位父母的父母?

I'm using this.parentNode as the element of a function to select the parent, and I tried both this.parent.parentNode and this.parentNode.parentNode , but both simply return the direct parent. 我使用this.parentNode作为选择父节点的函数的元素,我尝试了this.parent.parentNodethis.parentNode.parentNode ,但两者this.parentNode.parentNode返回直接父节点。
I'm trying to affect the div surrounding the div surrounding the 'this'. 我试图影响围绕'this'的div周围的div。 I did manage to make it work using a simple loop statement that repeats the parentNode selection twice, but I assume there's a better way. 我确实设法使用一个简单的循环语句使其工作,该语句重复两次parentNode选择,但我认为有更好的方法。

this.parentNode.parentNode is correct, you must (with apologies!) have had a mistake in the test where you tried it. this.parentNode.parentNode是正确的,您必须(道歉!)在您尝试过的测试中出错。

Example: Live Copy | 示例: 实时复制 | Source 资源


<div id="outermost">Outermost
  <div id="inner1">Inner 1
    <div id="inner2">Inner 2</div>

JavaScript: JavaScript的:

var inner2 = document.getElementById("inner2");

display("inner2.id = " + inner2.id);
display("inner2.parentNode.id = " + inner2.parentNode.id);
display("inner2.parentNode.parentNode.id = " + inner2.parentNode.parentNode.id);

display("Try clicking the blue 'inner2' above");

inner2.onclick = function(e) {
  display("Click: this.id = " + this.id);
  if (this.parentNode) {
    display("Click: this.parentNode.id = " + this.parentNode.id);
    if (this.parentNode.parentNode) {
      display("Click: this.parentNode.parentNode.id = " + this.parentNode.parentNode.id);

function display(msg) {
  var p = document.createElement('p');
  p.innerHTML = String(msg);

Output (assuming one clicks as directed): 输出(假设按指示点击一次):

inner2.id = inner2
inner2.parentNode.id = inner1
inner2.parentNode.parentNode.id = outermost
Try clicking the blue 'inner2' above
Click: e.target.id = inner2
Click: e.target.parentNode.id = inner1
Click: e.target.parentNode.parentNode.id = outermost

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