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是否可以获取Django的“ changed_data”列表中包含的项的值?

[英]Is it possible to get the value of an item contained in Django's “changed_data” list?

I have the following code in my Django application: 我的Django应用程序中包含以下代码:

if 'book' in authorForm.changed_data:
   #Do something here...

I realize Django can tell me which values have changed in my form by utilizing the "changed_data" list object, but I'd like to know the new values of the fields that have changed. 我意识到Django可以利用“ changed_data”列表对象告诉我表单中哪些值已更改,但是我想知道已更改字段的新值。

Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

Hmm... Try this: 嗯...试试这个:

if authorForm.is_valid() and 'book' in authorForm.changed_data:
    new_value = authorForm.cleaned_data['book']


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