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xCode 4.6,iPad是否可以将“老式”弹簧撑杆用于情节提要而不是约束?

[英]xCode 4.6, iPad is it possible to use “old school” spring struts for storyboards instead of constraints?

I've recently had the misfortune to upgrade to xCode 4.6 and notice that as I'm laying out the storyboard for the old <--> |--| 我最近不幸升级到xCode 4.6,并注意到当我为旧的<-> |-|布置情节提要时, springs and struts for views are gone and are replaced by some weird content offsets relative to views. 用于视图的弹簧和支柱已经消失,并被相对于视图的一些奇怪的内容偏移所代替。 I no longer understand what happens to my views, and would like to use the "old school" springs and struts that I'm used to. 我不再理解我的观点会发生什么,我想使用我惯用的“老派”弹簧和支柱。 Is it possible to force xCode 4.6 to show springs and struts for storyboard/nib files as they were in older xCode? 是否可以强制xCode 4.6像以前的xCode中那样显示情节提要/笔尖文件的弹簧和支柱?

This is what I would like to see(autoresizing masks): 这是我想看到的(自动调整蒙版): 老泉和支柱

This is what I see instead (constraints): 这是我看到的(约束):


just uncheck the Use autoLayout from your file Inspector. 只需从文件检查器中取消选中“ Use autoLayout It will automatically remove constaraints from your xib 它将自动从您的xib中删除constaraints

select storyboard file, then the first icon in the right panel, the flag is on the bottom of the provided image. 选择情节提要文件,然后选择右侧面板中的第一个图标,该标志位于提供的图像的底部。 在此处输入图片说明

Open the Utilities panel in XCode, select your XIB and click Show File Inspector in Xcode Utilities panel. 在XCode中打开“实用工具”面板,选择您的XIB,然后单击“ Xcode Utilities”面板中的“显示文件检查器”。 It is the left most icon along the top. 它是顶部最左侧的图标。 Uncheck "Use Autolayout". 取消选中“使用自动版式”。

Yes. 是。 Select the file in navigator then on the right, switch to the file property pane and turn off constraints. 在导航器中选择文件,然后在右侧,切换到文件属性窗格并关闭约束。

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