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Red Hat Linux上的Spring问题

[英]Problems with Spring on Red Hat Linux

Am new to Spring 3.x and the application utilizing Spring 3.x works well on Solaris10 with the bundled jars that I downloaded from Spring Source Site . Spring 3.x是一个新手,利用Spring 3.x的应用程序在Solaris10上可以很好地与我从Spring Source Site下载的捆绑jar一起使用。 Wondering if the same set of jars would work on Red Hat linux as well for a standalone application? 想知道同一套jars是否也可以在Red Hat Linux上用于独立应用程序吗? The reason I ask that is because I see java.net.SocketException: Connection reset during database operations using Spring Jdbc template. 我之所以这样问,是因为我看到java.net.SocketException: Connection reset使用Spring Jdbc模板在数据库操作期间java.net.SocketException: Connection reset Is org.springframework.jdbc-3.0.3.RELEASE platform specific? org.springframework.jdbc-3.0.3.RELEASE平台特定吗? Note that the non-Spring applications work fine. 请注意,非Spring应用程序可以正常工作。 Would highly appreciate if anyone can throw more light on this. 如果有人能对此提供更多的信息,将不胜感激。

No, for me Spring 3.2.1 works on RedHat well. 不,对我而言,Spring 3.2.1在RedHat上运行良好。

I think you have some network-related or database-related problem. 我认为您有一些与网络有关或与数据库有关的问题。

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