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[英]Group by a list of words by their first letter in LINQ

I have to group by first letter of the word in LINQ. 我必须按LINQ中单词的第一个字母分组。 Since i'm new to LINQ i'm not aware of debugging into it. 由于我是LINQ的新手,所以我不知道对其进行调试。

//Code //码

var words4 = testDS.Tables["Words4"].AsEnumerable();

var wordGroups =
    from w in words4
    group w by w.Field<string>("word")[0] into g
    select new {FirstLetter = g.Key, Words = g };

foreach (var g in wordGroups)
    Console.WriteLine("Words that start with the letter '{0}':", g.FirstLetter);  


Its throwing "Invalid Arguments" execption in the last Console.WriteLine. 在最后一个Console.WriteLine中抛出“无效参数”的执行。

Try Adding a loop inside so you can get the results more accurately. 尝试在内部添加循环,这样您可以更准确地获得结果。

Replace: 更换:


With: 带有:

foreach (var w in g.Words)

Since in your select , you created an anonymous object with field specified as Words and later you are accessing it through word , Also the Field extension method is not required. 由于在select ,您创建了一个匿名对象,其字段指定为Words ,以后您将通过word访问它,而且不需要Field扩展方法。

You need to replace: 您需要更换:




First, rather than your group consisting of DataRows, since you only want to show the words, I would select the words you want out of the datarow. 首先,由于您只想显示单词,而不是由DataRows组成的组,所以我将从数据行中选择想要的单词。 Second, remember that the words are in a list. 其次,请记住单词在列表中。 If you want to print them out, you'll need to loop or do something like string.Join (as I do below). 如果要打印出来,则需要循环或执行类似string.Join的操作(如下所述)。 For example: 例如:

var wordGroups =
    from w in words4.Select(w => w.Field<string>("word"))
    group w by w[0] into g
    select new { FirstLetter = g.Key, Words = g };

foreach (var g in wordGroups) {
    Console.WriteLine("Words that start with the letter '{0}':", g.FirstLetter);
    Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", g.Words));

This should fetch what you want from within wordGroups , using Linq syntax: 这应该使用Linq语法wordGroups获取所需内容

Replace: 更换:


with: 与:

g.Words.ForEach(w => Console.WriteLine(W.Field<string>("word"));


Dictionary<string, List<Product>> groupedDictionary = _db.Products.GroupBy(g => g.Name.Substring(0,1)).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());

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